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Employee Ownership Month 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Employee Ownership Month 2009

Labor Day has come and gone and the children are back in school. October will be here before we know it, and October is important because October is Employee Ownership Month (EOM). The Employee Ownership Blog reminds us that Employee Ownership Month is almost here!:

For almost 20 years, The ESOP Association and its member companies have been celebrating Employee Ownership Month every October. It is a celebration of the incredible spirit of employee ownership and an opportunity to educate employee owners about the tremendous benefits of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).

It is also an opportunity to educate the public, elected officials, and the media as to why employee ownership through ESOPs is good public policy.

Companies celebrate with picnics to honor their employee owners, hold roundtable discussions with local public officials and organizations to spread the word about employee ownership, and some hold awards ceremonies to honor outstanding employees.

The ESOP Association website contains links to the 2009 Press & Event Planning Kit and a letter by ESOP Association President, J. Michael Keeling, about Employee Ownership Month. It also shares a copy of the winning Employee Ownership Month Poster for 2009, ¡°proud employee owners are successful employee owners", offers to send a free copy of the poster, and provides a form to order additional copies.

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