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¤ýÀÛ¼ºÀÚ: ¾Èº´·æ ¤ýÀÛ¼ºÀÏ: 2007-07-18 (¼ö) 08:40 ¤ýÁ¶È¸: 9527
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°¡°Ý°¡ÁßÁö¼ö  price-weighted index
°¡°Ý°áÁ¤ÀÏ  Pricing Day
°¡°Ý°áÁ¤È¸ÀÇ pricing meeting
°¡°Ý°æ±â price boom
°¡°Ý±¸¼º  price composition
°¡°Ý±â±¸ Price Mechanism
°¡°Ý´ë  trading range
°¡°Ý¸ÞÄ¿´ÏÁò  price mechanism
°¡°Ý¸ñÇ¥Á¡   price objectives
°¡°Ýº¯µ¿°³¼±±³È¯   volatility improvement switch
°¡°Ýº¯µ¿·ü   volatility
°¡°Ýº¯µ¿Áغñ±Ý   reserve for fluctuation
°¡°ÝºÐ¼®   price analysis
°¡°Ý»êÁ¤   pricing
°¡°Ý¼±µµ   price leadership
°¡°Ý¼Òºñ°î¼±   price consumption curve  
°¡°Ý½ÅÃ༺   price flexibility
°¡°Ý¾ÈÁ¤Á¶Ä¡   syndicate stabilization
°¡°Ý¿ªÁöÁ¤ °Å·¡¿Ï·á    stopped out
°¡°Ý¿ªÁöÁ¤ÁÖ¹®   stop order
°¡°Ý¿ì¼±ÀÇ ¿øÄ¢   priority of best quotation principle
°¡°ÝÀ§Çè   price risk
°¡°ÝÀÇ ÆĶó¹ÌÅÍÀû ±â´É   parametric function of price
°¡°ÝÀÇ ÇÏÇâ °æÁ÷¼º    price rigidity in the downward direction
°¡°ÝÁ¤Ã¥    price policy
°¡°ÝÁ¦ÇÑÆø   restriction of price range
°¡°ÝÁ¶°Ç  Price Terms
°¡°ÝÁö¼ö   price index
°¡°ÝÁöÁ¤ÁÖ¹®   stop order
°¡°ÝÁöÁö   peg
°¡°ÝÂ÷º°   price discrimination
°¡°ÝÄ«¸£ÅÚ   price cartel
°¡°ÝÅëÁ¦    price control
°¡°ÝÆøÁ¦ÇÑ   price limit
°¡°ÝÇ¥½ÃÅëÈ­    term currency
°¡°ÝÇÒÀÎ   markdown
°¡°ÝÇÒÁõ    markup
°¡°ÝÇõ¸í    price revolution
°¡°ÝÈ¿°ú    price effect
°¡°è    household
°¡°è¿Í ¹Î°£ºñ¿µ¸®´Üü°èÁ¤    households and private non-profit institutions account
°¡°è¿Ü ¼ÒºñÁöÃâ    business consumption
°¡°èÀÇ ¹ë·±½º ½ÃÆ®   balance sheet of household
°¡°èÁ¤   Temporary Account
°¡°èÁ¶»ç    family income and expenditure survey
°¡°ø¸Åµµ    short sale
°¡°ø¹«¿ª   improvement trade
°¡°ø¼öÃâ    imaginary export
°¡°øÁֽ帻óÁ¦   phantom stock plan
°¡±³ÀºÇà   bridge bank
°¡µµ½ÃÈ­    pseudo-urbanize
°¡µ¿·ü   rate of operation of equipment
°¡µ¿·üÁö¼ö     index of operating ratio
°¡µæ·ü     rate of foreign exchange earning
°¡µæÀÚº»   earned capital
°¡µç¹ö°Å  Gardenburger
°¡¸à/Ŭ¶ó½º ÃßÁ¤Ä¡  Garmen & Klass Estimate
°¡¸éÇö»ó   Imposter Phenomenon
°¡º¯¿¹Ä¡Àǹ«Á¦µµ  variable deposit requirement
°¡º¯ÀÚº»   variable capital
°¡º¯Çüä   flip-flop note
°¡º¼·¯Áö   garbology
°¡º¼·ÎÁö   garbology
°¡»ç¼­ºñ½º »ý»êÀÚ   domestic services of households account
°¡»ê¼¼   an additional tax
°¡»ó±ÝÀ¶   virtural banking
°¡»ó±â¾ï   Virtual Storage
°¡»ó ±â¾ïÀåÄ¡   Virtual Memory Storage
°¡»ó±â¾÷   virtual corporation
°¡»ó´ëÇÐ   Cyber University
°¡»óÇö½Ç   virtual reality
°¡»óÇö½Ç¸ðµ¨¸µ¾ð¾î  Virtual Reality Modeling Language
°¡¼³ºÎ¹®    dummy sector
°¡¼Ó°¨°¡»ó°¢   accelerated depreciation
°¡¼Óµµ¿ø¸®   acceleration principle
°¡¼Ó¿ø°¡È¸¼ö¹ý   accelerated cost recovery system
°¡¼ö±Ý°èÁ¤    temporary receivable account
°¡¼ö¿ä   speculative demand
°¡¿ë¿Üȯº¸À¯¾×   Usable Reserves
°¡ÀÌµå ¶óÀÎ    guide line
°¡À̵å¶óÀÎ Á¤Ã¥   guide-line policy
°¡À̵åÆ÷½ºÆ®   Guide-Post
°¡ÀÌ¾Æ   Gaia
°¡ÀÔ¿¬·É   age at entry
°¡ÀÔ Æѽº   Hi-Fax
°¡Àå¸Å¸Å   wash sale
°¡Á·º¸Çè   family insurance
°¡Á·¼¼¹«½Å°í   joint return
°¡Á·¿¬±Ýº¸Çè   family income policy
°¡Á·È¸»ç   family company
°¡ÁßÁÖ°¡Æò±Õ   weighted stock price average
°¡ÁßÆò±Õ»óȯ±â°£    weighted average term to maturity
°¡ÁßÆò±ÕÀÚº»ºñ¿ë    weighted average cost of capital
°¡ÁßÆò±ÕÁÖ°¡    weighted stock price average
°¡Áõ±Ç¹è´ç    scrip dividend
°¡Ã³ºÐ¼Òµæ    disposable income
°¡Ä¡°¡»ê¿øÄ¢    value additivity principle
°¡Ä¡°øÇÐ   value engineering
°¡Ä¡Ã¢Á¶°æ¿µ    Value Based Management: VBM
°¡Ä¡Ã´µµ   measure of value
°¡Ä¡Çõ½Å   Value Innovation
°¡Ä¡ÇüÅ   form of value
°¡ÅÍºí   gattable
°¡Æ®   General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
°¡Æ® 19Á¶    GATT Article 19
°¡Æ® 23Á¶    GATT Article 23
°£»ç´Ü    management group
°£»çÀºÇà   manager
°£»çȸ»ç    Manager
°£ÀÌ(»ý¸í)º¸Çè   industrial insurance
°£Á¢°³¼³½Å¿ëÀå    indirect financing credit
°£Á¢±ÝÀ¶   indirect financing
°£Á¢¸®½º    indirect lease
°£Á¢¸ðÁý    indirect offering
°£Á¢¹ßÇà   indirect issuing
°£Á¢ºñ   overhead
°£Á¢¼¼   indirect tax
°£Á¢¾àÁ¤½Å¿ëÀå    indirect arrangement credit
°£Á¢ÀçÁ¤    indirect arbitrage
°£Á¢ÀüȯÁõ±Ç   indirect convertible
°£Á¢ÆÄ»êºñ¿ë   indirect bankruptcy cost
°£Á¢Ç¥½ÃȯÀ²    indirect quotation
°£Æǹæ½Ä    JIT   Just In Time
°¨°¡»ó°¢   depreciation
°¨°¡»ó°¢µÈ ¿ø°¡   depreciated cost
°¨°¡»ó°¢½Ç½ÃÀ²    ratio of depreciation
°¨°¡»ó°¢ÀÚ»ê   wasting asset
°¨°¡»ó°¢Ãæ´ç±Ý    allowance for depreciation
°¨¸®   Audit Review
°¨¸®Á¾¸ñ   surveillance issues
°¨¸¶   Gamma
°¨»ç   auditor
°¨¹Ì·á   sweetner
°¨¹è   dividend cut
°¨»ç    auditor
°¨»ç±¹   compliance department
°¨»ç±âÁØ   Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
°¨»çº¸°í    audit report
°¨»çÀÇ°ß    auditor's opinion
°¨»çÀÎ    auditor
°¨»çÃßÀû   audit trail
°¨¼º¼Òºñ   emotional consumption
°¨¼ºÁö¼ö   Emotional Intelligence
°¨¼ÓÀç   moderator
°¨½Ãºñ¿ë   monitoring cost
°¨ÀÀµµ°è¼ö   Index of the sensitivity of dispersion
°¨ÀÀµµºÐ¼®   sensitivity method
°¨ÀÚ    reduction of capital
°¨Ã¤±â±Ý     sinking fund
°¨Ã¤±â±ÝºÎä±Ç    sinking fund bond
°¨Ã¤±â±Ý ¼öÀÇ»óȯ   sinking fund call
°¨Ã¤±â±ÝÁ¶Ç×    sinking fund provision
°¨ÃçÁø ÀÚ»ê    hidden assets
°¨Ç×Áõ¸í   airworthiness certificate
°©ÆǼ±Àû¼±ÇÏÁõ±Ç   On Deck B/L
°©ÆÇÀûÀç¼±ÅñÇÁ¶Ç×    Optional Stowage Clause
°©ÆÇÀûÀç ¼±ÇÏÁõ±Ç   on deck shipment B/L
°©ÆÇÀûÀç À¯º¸Á¶Ç×   optional stowage clause
°­¼¼   bull
°­¼¼ ½ºÇÁ·¹µå   bull spread
°­¾ÐÀû °ø°³¸Å¼ö    coercive tender offer
°­¾àÇÕ¼º½ºÇÁ·¹µå    box spread
°­Á¦¸Å°¢    sell out
°­Á¦º¸Çè     compulsory insurance
°­Á¦ÀúÃà   forced saving
°­Á¦Àû ¡¼ö¿ä±Ý   compulsory fees
°­Á¦Àüȯ    forced conversion
°­Á¦ÆÄ»ê   involuntary bankruptcy
°­ÇüÈ¿À²¼º    strong form
°­ÇüÈ¿À²Àû ½ÃÀå    strong-form efficient market
°³µµ±¹´ëÃâ    Less Developed Countries Loan
°³¹ß±ÇÀÌ¾ç    Transfer of Development Right
°³¹ßµµ»ó±¹   developing countries
°³¹ßºñ    development expense
°³¹ß¼öÀÔ    develop and import scheme
°³¹ß¿øÁ¶   development aid
°³¹æ°æÁ¦Ã¼Á¦ / ºÀ¼â°æÁ¦Ã¼Á¦    open economic system¡¤closed economic system
°³¹æ±â¾÷    open corporations
°³¹æ½Ä ´ãº¸ºÎ »çä   opened mortgage bond
°³¹æÀû Áö¿ªÁÖÀÇ    Open Regionalism
°³¹æÇü´ãº¸   open-end mortgage
°³¹æÇü ½Ã½ºÅÛ    Open System
°³º°°è¾à   Case by case contrect
°³º°¹ý   identified cost method
°³º°Åë½Å   custom communication
°³¼³ÀºÇà   opening bank
°³¼³ÀÇ·ÚÀÎ   Applicant
°³½ÃÀÜ¾×    opening balance
°³½ÃÁõ°Å±Ý   Initial Margin
°³ÀÎ   individuals
°³Àΰ¡Ã³ºÐ ¼Òµæ   Personal Disposable Income
°³Àα¸Á   individual account
°³Àαâ¾÷   unincorporated private enterprise
°³ÀÎ¼Òµæ    Personal Income
°³ÀμøÀúÃà·ü   net personal saving ratio
°³ÀÎÁÖÁÖ   individual stockholder
°³ÀÎóºÐ°¡´É¼Òµæ   PDI
°³ÀÔÁ¡   intervention point
°³ÀÔÅëÈ­    intervention currency
°³ÀåÀÚµ¿º¸°í¼­ºñ½º    opening automated repoting service
°³Ç°¿î¼Û   affreightment in general ship
°³ÇÇ   gappy
°´´Ü°¡   customer transaction
°¶·¯¸®    Gallery
°¶·ÎÇÎ ÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç    galloping inflation
°¸   gap
°Å·¡    Transaction
°Å·¡°³½Ã   opening transaction
°Å·¡´ÜÀ§    trading unit
°Å·¡´ëÇàȸ»ç   correspondent
°Å·¡µ¿±â    Transaction Motive
°Å·¡·®   trading volume
°Å·¡·® ´©¶ô   volume deleted
°Å·¡·®À§Çè   volume risk
°Å·¡·® À̵¿ Æò±Õ    volume moving average
°Å·¡ºñ¿ë   transaction cost
°Å·¡¼¼   transfer tax
°Å·¡¼Ò°Å·¡   transaction on stock exchange
°Å·¡¼Ò ¸Å¼ö   exchange acquisition
°Å·¡¼Ò ºÐ¸Å   exchange distribution
°Å·¡¼Òȸ¿ø °ø¸ÅºñÀ²   member short sale ratio
°Å·¡¼Òȸ¿ø ȸ»ç    member firm
°Å·¡¿øÀå    contract sheet
°Å·¡À§ÀÓÀå    trading authorization
°Å·¡ÀÏ    deal date
°Å·¡Àå    exchange floor
°Å·¡Àå³»ÁÖ¹®   on-floor order
°Å·¡Àå ¼Ò¼ÓÈ®ÀÎ   floor give-up
°Å·¡Àå¿ÜÁÖ¹®    off-floor order
°Å·¡Àå ÀÓ¿ø  floor official
°Å·¡Àå Æ®·¹ÀÌ´õ   floor trader
°Å·¡Àç°³   reopening
°Å·¡Àûȯ³ëÃâ  transaction exposure
°Å·¡Á¶°Ç ¹× ¼ö¼ö·áÀ²Ç¥   Terms & Conditions
°Å·¡Á¾·á½Ã ¼ö¼ö·á ¡¼ö   round turn
°Å·¡Áß°³ÀÎ   floor broker
°Å·¡Ã³¸® ¼­ºñ½º   Transaction Service
°Å·¡ÃÑ¾×   volume
°Å·¡ÆÐÅÏ   trading pattern
°Å·¡È®Àμ­   confirmation
°Å·¡È¸ÀüÀ²  turnover rate
°Å¹ÌÁýÀÌ·Ð   cob web theorem
°Å½ÃÀû ºÐ¼®    macro analysis
°Å½ÃÀû ¼ÒµæºÐ¹èÀÌ·Ð    macro-theory of income distribution
°Å½ÃÀû ÇìÁö   macro-hedge
°Å¾ó¸®-¼î¿ÀÀÇ ÀÌ·Ð    theory of Gurley and Shaw
°ÅÀýÁõ¼­    protest
°ÅÁÖÀÚ   resident
°ÅÁÖÀÚ°èÁ¤    resident a/c
°ÅÁÖÀÚÀÇ Á¾·ù    type of resident
°ÅÄ¡±â°£    grace period
°ÅÄ¡Áõ±Ç    deferred pay securities
°Ç°­»ê¾÷    health industry
°Ç¼³°¡°èÁ¤    building and construction account
°Ç¼³°øä     construction bond
°Ç¼³¹è´çÃæ´ç±Ý    Allowance for Funds Used During Construction
°Ç¼³ÀÌÀÚ    interest during construction
°Ç¿Á    position
°Ç Á¡ÇÎ   gun jumping
°ÇÆóÀ²    building coverage ratio
°É¸®-¼îÀÇ ÀÌ·Ð    theory of Gurley and Shaw
°Ë»çÁõ¸í¼­     inspection certificate
°Ë»ö¼­ºñ½º    Retrieval Service
°Ë»ö¿£Áø    Search Engine
°Ë¼ö    tally
°Ë¼öÀÎ   tallyman
°Ô³ð    Genome
°Ô´Ï¸Ç´õ¸µ    Gerrymandering
°Ô½ºÆ®¸®¿£Áö´Ï¾î¸µ     Guest Reengineering
°Ô½ºÆ® ¿£Áö´Ï¾î¸µ   guest engineering
°ÔÀÌÆ® ¾Ù¸®    gate alley
°ÔÀÌÆ® ¾î·¡ÀÌ    gate array
°ÔÀÌÆ® ¿þÀÌ Gateway
°ÔÀÌƮŰÆÛ  Gate Keeper
°ÔÀÓ½º ¸Ç games man
°ÔÀÓÀÌ·Ð theory of games
°ÔÀÓ ÄÁ¼³ÅÏÆ®  Game Consultant
°ÝŹ¸Å¸Å  call trading
°ß¾çÈ­Æó Specimen
°ßÀû¼ÛÀå  Pro-Forma Invoice
°ßÇ°ÆǸŠsales by sample or pattern
°á»ê  closing
°á¼Õ  deficit
°á¼Õ±Ý deficit
°á¼ÕÀü±âÀÌ¿ù  tax loss carryback
°áÁ¤°è¼ö  R squared
°áÁ¦    settlement
°áÁ¦°¡°Ý   clearing price
°áÁ¦°èÁ¤  settlement a/c
°áÁ¦±â°ü   clearing house
°áÁ¦¼Ò  clearing house
°áÁ¦¼ö¼ö·á   clearing commission
°áÁ¦¿ù°£ ½ºÇÁ·¹µå°Å·¡    calendar spread trading
°áÁ¦À§Çè    settlement risk
°áÁ¦ÀºÇà  reimbursing bank
°áÁ¦Áö¼ö   settlement index
°áÁ¦ÅëÈ­ currency of settlement
°áÁ¦È¸¿ø clearing member
°áÇÕ°Å·¡  crossed trade
°áÇÕ·¹¹ö¸®Áö  combined leverage
°áÇÕ»ý»ê¹°  joint-product
°áÇÕ¼±Àû  combined shipment
°áÇÕ¼ö¿ä  joint demand
°áÇÕ½ÃÀåÁ¶¼º  side-by-side trading
°â¾÷³ó°¡   side-work farmer
°â¾÷ÀºÇàÁ¦µµ  universal banking system
°â¿µÁöÁÖȸ»ç operating holding company
°æ°³  novation
°æ°ú°èÁ¤  tunnel account
°æ°ú º¸Çè·á  earned premium
°æ°úÀÌÀÚ  accrued interest
°æ±â  business conditions
°æ±â°ú¿­  super heating
°æ±âµ¿ÇâÁö¼ö  diffusion index
°æ±â¼øȯ  trade cycle
°æ±â¼øȯÁÖ  cyclical stock
°æ±â¿¬Âø·ú  SOFT-LANDING
°æ±â¿¹°íÁöÇ¥  business warning indicators
°æ±â¿¹Ãø  economic forecast
°æ±âÀÚ±ØÃ¥  reflation policy
°æ±âÀÚµ¿¾ÈÁ¤ÀåÄ¡  built in stabilizer
°æ±âÀû ½Ç¾÷  cyclical unemployment
°æ±âÁ¤Ã¥  business cycle policy
°æ±âÁ¾ÇÕÁö¼ö  composite index
°æ·ÎÆǸŠ route sales
°æ¸Å¸Å  one-way auction
°æ¸Å¹è´ç·ü¿ì¼±ÁÖ  auction-rate preferred stock
°æºñ  public expenditures
°æºñÀÇ ¿øÄ¢ principle of public expenditure
°æ»ó°Å·¡  current transactions
°æ»ó°èÁ¤  current account
°æ»óº¸Á¶±Ý  current subsidies
°æ»ó»ê¾÷¿¬°üÇ¥  input-output table at current price
°æ»ó¼ÕÀÍ  ordinary profit and loss
°æ»ó¼öÁöÀ²  ratio of current income to current expense
°æ»ó¼öÁö(ÌèßÈâ¥ò¨)¿Í ÀÚº»¼öÁö(íÀÜââ¥ò¨)  Current Balance & Capital Balance
°æ»óÀÌÀÍ  ordinary profit
°æ»óÀÌÀÍ·ü  ratio of ordinary profit
°æ»óÀÌÀü  current transfer
°æ»óÀÌÀü¼öÁö  Current Transfers Account Balance
°æ»óÁöÃâ  current expenditures
°æ¼ºÄ«¸£ÅÚ  Hard core cartel
°æ¼ö  light water
°æ¼ö·Î  light water reactor
°æ¿µ°¨»ç  management audit
°æ¿µ°øÇÐ  Industrial Engineering
°æ¿µ°ü¸®  business management
°æ¿µ±Ç  right of management
°æ¿µ´Ù°¢È­  business diversification
°æ¿µºÐ¼®  business analysis
°æ¿µÀ§Çè  business risk
°æ¿µÀڸżö  management buy out
°æ¿µÀÚ ¸éÃ¥º¸Çè  directors'and officers'liability insurance
°æ¿µÀÚ º¸»ó  management compensation
°æ¿µÀÚ º¸¼ö  management fee
°æ¿µÀÚº» ȸÀüÀ²  turnover ratio of total operating capital
°æ¿µÀÚ ÂüÈ£°¡¼³  managerial entrenchment hypothesis
°æ¿µÀü·« corporate strategy
°æ¿µÁ¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ  management information system
°æ¿µÁöÇ¥  management index
°æ¿µÂü°¡  participation in management
°æ¿µÃÖ°íÃ¥ÀÓÀÚ  chief executive officer
°æ¿µÃþ  zones of management
°æÀï   competition
°æÀï¸Å¸Å    competitive bidding
°æÀï¿ìÀ§   Competitive Advantage
°æÀïÀÔÂû   competitive bidding
°æÀïÀÔÂûÀμö    underwriting by competitive bidding
°æÁ¦µ¿¸Í     economic union
°æÁ¦·ÂÁýÁß    concentration of financial power
°æÁ¦¸ðÇü    economic model
°æÁ¦¹ßÀü·Ð    theory of economic development
°æÁ¦¹é¼­     Economic White Paper
°æÁ¦¹ýÄ¢    economic law
°æÁ¦º¯µ¿    economic fluctuation
°æÁ¦º¸°í      economic report
°æÁ¦ºÎ°¡°¡Ä¡     Economic Value Added
°æÁ¦»çȸÀÌ»çȸ    ECOSOC, United Nations Economic and Social Council
°æÁ¦»ê¾÷ÀÚ¹®±â±¸    BIAC, Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD
°æÁ¦¼±ÇàÁö¼ö    index of leading economic indicators
°æÁ¦¼ºÀå·ü    economic growth rate
°æÁ¦¼ö¿ª     EEZ, Exclusive Economic Zone
°æÁ¦¼øȯ    circular flow of economic system
°æÁ¦¿ÜÀû°­Á¦   non-economic compulsion
°æÁ¦¿î¿ë°èȹ    economic management plan
°æÁ¦ÀÎ     economic man
°æÁ¦À׿©    economic surplus
°æÁ¦ÀÚ¹®À§¿øȸ    council of economic advisors
°æÁ¦Àç   economic goods
°æÁ¦Àû ºÎ°¡°¡Ä¡     EVA
°æÁ¦Àû ºñ¿ë    economic cost
°æÁ¦Àû ¼ö¸í    economic life
°æÁ¦Àû ÀÌÀ±     economic profit
°æÁ¦Àû ÀÌÀÍ    economic income
°æÁ¦Àû ÀͽºÆ÷ÁÖ¾î  economic exposure
°æÁ¦Àû È¿À²¼º    economic efficiency
°æÁ¦Àû ÈÄ»ý    economic welfare
°æÁ¦Á¤ÀÇÁö¼ö    KEJI index
°æÁ¦Á¤Ã¥    economic policy
°æÁ¦Á¤Ã¥ÀÇ Å¸ÀÓ·¡±×     policy-lag
°æÁ¦Á¶Á÷    economic organization
°æÁ¦ÁÖü    economic subject
°æÁ¦Áö´ë    economic rent
°æÁ¦ÁöÇ¥    economic indicator
°æÁ¦Áøº¸    economic progress
°æÁ¦ÁýÁß·ü   aggregate concentration ratio
°æÁ¦Ã¼Á¦     economic system
°æÁ¦ÅëÇÕ    economic integration
°æÁ¦Æ¯±¸    special economic zone
°æÁ¦Ç¥    (ºÒ)Tableau Economique
°æÁ¦ÇàÀ§    economic behaviour
°æÁ¦Çù·Â    economic cooperation
°æÁ¦Çù·Â°³¹ß±â±¸    OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
°æÁ¦È°µ¿     economic activity
°æÁ¦È¸º¹Á¶¼¼¹ý    Economic Recovery Tax Act
°æÁ¦È¿À²    economic efficiency
°æÁúÀû ´º½º    hard news
°æÂ÷°ü     hard loan
°æÂ÷°ü°ú ¿¬Â÷°ü    Hard loan & Soft loan
°æÂø·ú     hard landing
°æÃ౤°í    inauguration advertising
°æÆı¤°í    hard advertising
°æÇÕ-»ó½Ç    matched and lost
°æÇè°î¼±    experience curve
°æÈ­     hard currency
°è·®°æÁ¦ÇÐ   econometrics
°è»êÈ­Æó    (ºÒ)numeraire
°è¼Ó±â¾÷    going concern
°è¼Ó±â¾÷°¡Ä¡    going concern value
°è¼Óºñ   continuing expenditure
°è¼Ó¼ºÀÇ ¿øÄ¢    principle of consistency
°è¾à    contract
°è¾à°£ ½ºÇÁ·¹µå °Å·¡    inter-contract spreading
°è¾à°î¼±    contract curve
°è¾à±ÝÀ¶    contract financing
°è¾à±Þ     contract wages
°è¾àº¸Áõ    contract guarantee
°è¾àº¸Áõ¿¡ °üÇÑ ÅëÀϱÔÄ¢    Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantee
°è¾à¼³    contract theory
°è¾à¼ö¼ö·á    commission
°è¾à½Åû¼³    offer and acceptance theory
°è¾àÀÇ Ç¥ÁØÈ­    standardization
°è¾àÀÚ´ëÃâ    policy loan
°è¾àÆıâÀ§¾à±Ý    £Âust-up £Æees
°è¾àÆıâÁ¶Ç×    £Æiduciary £Ïut £Ãlause
°è¾àÇü ÅõÀÚ½ÅŹ    contractual type investment trust
°è¿­±â¾÷     affliated company
°è¿­È¸»ç°£ÀÇ ÇÕº´    merger of affiliated companies
°èÀý°ü¼¼    seasonal duties
°èÀýº¯µ¿    seasonal variation
°èÀýÀû ½Ç¾÷     seasonal unemployment
°èÀýÁ¶Á¤   seasonal adjustment
°èÁ¤  Account
°èÁ¤°áÁ¦ÀÎ   accountee
°èÁ¤È帧ÃßÁ¤¹ý   account flow method
°èÃþº° ¼ÒµæºÐ¹è   size distribution of income
°èÅëÃâÇÏ    route sales
°èȹ°æÁ¦   planned economy
°èȹÀû ÁøºÎÈ­     planned obsolescence
°í°¡Á¾·á   closed higher
°í°¡ÁÖ   high-priced stock
°í°´¸¸Á·°æ¿µ   customer satisfaction management
°í°´¼÷Áö¿äû    know-your-customer rule
°í°´¿¹Å¹±Ý    customer's deposit
°í°´ÁöÁÖÁ¦µµ    customer stock ownership
°í°´Å½»ö    prospect
°í°´È¿°ú    clientele effect
°í°øºñÇàÁÖ    high flyer
°í±Ý¸®Á¤Ã¥    dear money policy
°íµµÀåÇØ    high-damage
°íµî±Þ    high grade
°íµî±Þ ¼±È£Çö»ó     flight to quality
°í·ÉÈ­»çȸ    aging society
°í¸®ÀÚ±ÝÁ¶´Þ    junk financing
°í¹ÐµµÆú¸®¿¡Æ¿·»   HDPE
°íºÐÀÚ ¾Ë·ÎÀ̼¶À¯   polymer alloy fiber
°íºÐÀÚ¾×Á¤    liquid crystal polymer
°í¼±¸í ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯    HDTV, High Definition TeleVision
°í¼º´ÉÅëÈ­    high powered money
°í¼Ó µðÁöÅÐ Àü¼Û ¼­ºñ½º     high speed digital transmission services
°í¼ÓÁõ½Ä·Î    fast breeder reactor
°í¼öÀÍÁö¹æä±â±Ý    junk muni-bond fund
°í¼öÀÍÆÝµå    High Yield Fund
°í¿ÂÀü±âÁýÁø±â    hot electrostatic pricipitator
°í¿ëź¼ºÄ¡    value of elasticity of employment
°íÀ§°ø¹«¿ø´Ü   Senior Executive Service
°íÀ¯ÆǸÅÁ¦¾È    Unique Selling Proposition
°íÀå·Â°­     high tensile steel
°íÀåºÎ¼±ÇÏÁõ±Ç   foul bills of lading
°íÀåÈ­¹°º¸»óÀå   Letter of Indemnity, L/I
°íÀüÇÐÆÄ   orthodox school
°íÁ¤°¡°ÝÇ¥½ÃÅë°è     constant price values
°íÁ¤±Ý¸®Ã¤   straight bond
°íÁ¤±ÝÀ¶ºñ¿ëº¸»ó·ü     time fixed charges
°íÁ¤ºÎä    fixed liabilities
°íÁ¤ºñ   fixed costs
°íÁ¤ºñÀ²     fixed assets to net worth ratio
°íÁ¤¼öÀÍÁõ±Ç    fixed-income security
°íÁ¤¿µ¾÷ºñ¿ë    fixed operating expense
°íÁ¤ÀÚº»¼Ò¸ð    consumption of fixed capital
°íÁ¤ÀÚº»¼Ò¸ðÃæ´ç±Ý    capital consumption allowance
°íÁ¤ÀÚ»ê    fixed asset
°íÁ¤ÀÚ»ê ´ë Àå±âÀÚº»ºñÀ²    Fixed Assets To Long-Term Capital Ratio
°íÁ¤ÀÚ»êȸÀüÀ²   fixed assets turn over
°íÁ¤Àå±âÀûÇÕ·ü   ratio of fixed assets to long-term capital
°íÁ¤À繫ºñ º¸»ó·ü    times fixed charges earned
°íÁ¤À繫ºñ¿ë    fixed financial expense
°íÁ¤ÅëÈ­    fixed currency
°íÁ¤ÅõÀÚ    fixed capital investment
°íÁ¤È¯À²Á¦    Fixed Exchange Rate System
°íÁöÀǹ«    duty of disclosure
°íÅëÁö¼ö    misery index
°íÆÛ    Gopher
°íÆò°¡    expensive
°íÇ°À§ºñµð¿À    high definition video
°íÇÑÁ¦µµ    sweating system
°íÈ­ÁúÈ­ ÅÚ¸®ºñÀü    advanced television
°ñµå ¹ðÅ·   gold banking
°ñµåÄ®¶ó    Gold Collar
°ñµå Æ®¶õ½¦    gold tranche
°ñµçÅ©·Î½º    golden-cross
°ñµç Æ®¶óÀÌ¾Þ±Û     golden triangle
°õÀÇ Æ÷¿Ë    bear hug
°ø°³ µµ¸ÞÀÎ ¼ÒÇÁÆ®¿þ¾î     PDS
°ø°³¸Å¼ö    TOB, Take Over Bid
°ø°³¸Å¼ö¼³¸í¼­     disclosure statement of tender offer
°ø°³¸Å¼ö½Å°í¼­    registration statement of tender offer
°ø°³¸Å¼öÁ¦µµ    TOB
°ø°³¸ÅÀÔÁ¦µµ     tender offer
°ø°³½ÃÀå ¸Å¼ö    open-market purchase
°ø°³½ÃÀå ½ÅµðÄÉÀÌÆ®     open market syndicate
°ø°³½ÃÀåÁ¶ÀÛ    open market operation
°ø°³Å°    public key
°ø°³È¸»ç    publicly-held company
°ø°³(¹ß¼º)È£°¡   open outcry
°ø°ÝÀÚ   raider
°ø°ÝÀû    aggressive
°ø°ø°æºñÆØâÀÇ ¹ýÄ¢    law of increasing public expenditure
°ø°ø°æÁ¦ÇÐ    public economics
°ø°øºÐ¾çÁÖÅà     the public tract house
°ø°ø»ç¾÷    public enterprise
°ø°ø»ç¾÷ä    essential function bond
°ø°øÀç   public goods
°ø°øÁÖÅûç¾÷ä   public housing authority bond
°ø°øÁöÃâ    public expenditure
°ø°øÂ÷°ü    public loan
°ø°øÅõÀÚ    investment in public sector
°ø°øÅõÀÚ ÁÖµµÇü °æÁ¦   economy led by social overhead capital
°ø±Þ°æÁ¦ÇÐ    supply-side economics
°ø±ÞÀÇ ¹ýÄ¢    law of supply
°ø±ÞÀÇ Åº·Âµµ     elasticity of supply
°ø±ÞÀÚ±ÝÀ¶    supplier's credit
°ø±ÞÀڽſë°ú ±¸¸ÅÀÚ ½Å¿ë    Supplier's credit & Buyer's credit
°ø±ÞÀÚÀ¯Àü½º    shipper's usance
°ø±ÞÁ߽ðæÁ¦ÇÐ     supplyside economics
°ø±ÞÃø¸é °æÁ¦ÇÐ    Supply-Side Demand
°ø±â¾÷    public enterprise
°øµ¿°£»çȸ»ç    co-manager company
°øµ¿°áÁ¤¹ý    The Law of Co-determination
°øµ¿±¤°í    Cooperation Advertisement
°øµ¿±¸¸Å    joint buying
°øµ¿ ¸®½º    syndicated lease
°øµ¿º¸Çè    coinsurance
°øµ¿½Ã°øÀÇ À§Çè     risk for co-contract
°øµ¿ÀÌ¿ëÁ¦    Open Access System
°øµ¿ÀúÀÛ¹°    joint works
°øµ¿ Ç÷ÎÆ®     joint float
°øµ¿ÇØ¼Õ    general average
°ø¸ÅµµºñÀ²    short sale ratio
°ø¸ð     public offering
°ø¸ð¸Å¸Å     match order
°ø¸ðÀÔÂû¹ßÇà    issue by auction
°ø¸ðÀü °Å·¡    gray market trade
°ø¸ðÁõÀÚ    capital increase by public offering
°ø¸ðä     public issue
°ø¹ýÀÎ    public corporation
°øºÐ»ê    covariance
°ø»ç     public corporation
°ø»ç¿Ï¼º±âÁØ    completed-contract method
°ø»ç¿Ï¼ºº¸ÁõÁ¦    Surety Bond
°ø»çÁøÇà±âÁØ ¹æ¹ý    percentage-of-completion method
°ø»çä½ÃÀå    bond market
°ø»çäÇü ÅõÀÚ½ÅŹ     bond investment trust
°ø¼±¾î¾÷    Factory-Ship Fisheries
°ø¼ÒÁõÈıº    Empty Nest Syndrome
°ø½Ã   disclosure
°ø½ÄÀû Á¶Á÷    formal organization
°ø¾÷¼¾¼­½º    Census of Manufactures
°ø¾÷¼ÒÀ¯±Ç     industrial right
°ø¾÷ÁýÀûµµ    degree of industrial accumulation
°ø¾÷ÃÑ Á¶»ç    census of manufactures
°ø¿µº¸Çè     public insurance
°øÀ¯ÁÖÁÖ    co-owner shareholders
°øÀ¯Áö½Ä     common knowledge
°øÀͱâ¾÷ä    utility bond
°øÀͽÅŹ    charitable trust
°øÀÍä    authority bond
°øÀÎÀ繫±âȹ»ç     certified financial planner
°øÀÎÀ繫ºÐ¼®»ç ±â±¸    Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts
°øÀÎÅõÀÚÀÚ     accredited investor
°øÀÎȸ°è»ç    certified public accountant
°øÀåÀεµ°¡°Ý    ex works
°øÀåÀεµÁ¶°Ç     EXW, Ex Works
°øÀû°áÁ¦¼öÁö    official settlement balance
°øÀûº¸»ó±ÝÀ¶    compensatory official financing
°øÀûºÎÁ¶    public assistance
°øÀû¿Üȯº¸À¯    official reserve
°øÀû ECU     official ECU
°øÁ¤°¡°Ý Á¤°ü°³Á¤    fair price amendment
°øÁ¤°¡Ä¡     fair value
°øÁ¤°ÔÀÓ     fair game
°øÁ¤°ü¸®     process control
°øÁ¤¹«¿ª    fair trade
°øÁ¤ºÐ¼®    process study
°øÁ¤¼ºº¸ÁõÀÇ°ß    fairness opinion
°øÁ¤½ÃÀå°¡Ä¡    fair market value
°øÁ¤ÇÒÀÎÀ²     official rate
°øÁ¤ÇàÀ§±ÔÄ¢    rules of fair practice
°øÁ¤È¯À²    official exchange rate
°øÁ¦   fraternal insurance
°øÁ¦¸éÃ¥ºñÀ²    deductible franchise
°øÂ¥ PC    Free PC
°øä    public bond
°øäºñ    public debt expenses
°øäÀÇÁ¸µµ    proportion of total revenue supplied by bonds
°øäÀÇ Â÷ȯ    conversion of public bonds
°øĪÀÚº»Á¦µµ    subscribed capital system
°øÅë°¡Ä¡ °æ¸Å    common-value auction
°øÅë°ü¼¼    Common External Tariff
°øÅë±â±Ý    Common Fund for Commodities
°øÅë³ó¾÷Á¤Ã¥    Common Agricultural Policy
°øÇØ    public nuisance
°øÇؼöÃâ    pollution export
°øȲ    crisis
°øȲ¸Åµµ    panic selling
°øȲ¸Å¼ö    panic buying
°ú³»°¡°Ý     deep-in-the-money
°ú´ç°æÀï    over-competition
°ú´ë»ó°¢     overdepreciation
°ú´ë¿É¼Ç¸Åµµ    overwrite
°ú´ëÆò°¡    overvalued
°úµµ°Å·¡    churning
°ú¹Ý¼öÁöºÐÁÖÁÖ     majority stockholder
°ú¹Ý¼öÅõÇ¥Á¦     majority voting
°úºÎ-°í¾Æ ÁÖ     widow-and-orphan stock
°ú¼¼°¡¾×    taxable value
°ú¼¼°è±Þ»óÇâÇö»ó    bracket creep
°ú¼¼±â°£    tax year
°ú¼¼±âÃÊ     tax basis
°ú¼¼»ó°¢¸Åµµ    tax-loss selling
°ú¼¼¼Òµæ     taxable income
°ú¼¼¼Òµæ°è±Þ    tax bracket
°ú¼¼¿ë ¸Åµµ    tax-selling
°ú¼¼¿ë ½º¿Ò    tax-swap
°ú¼¼Àμö    taxable acquisition
°ú¼¼ÀÚ·á     materials for taxation
°ú¼¼Áö¹æä    taxable municipal bond
°ú¼¼Ç¥ÁØ     basis of assessment
°ú¼Ò»ó°¢    underdepreciation
°ú¼Ò¼Òºñ¼³    under-consumption theory
°ú¼ÒÂ÷ÀÔºÎä    underleveraged
°ú½ÃÀû ¼Òºñ   conspicuous consumption
°ú¾÷°ü¸®    task management
°ú¿­½Ã¼¼    feverish market
°ú¿Ü°¡°Ý    deep-out-of-the-money
°úÀ×À¯µ¿¼º    excess liquidity
°úÀ×ÅõÀÚ¼³    over-investment theory
°úÁ¡    oligopoly
°úÇ¥    Basis of Assessment
°úÇлê¾÷Çõ¸í    scientific-industrial revolution
°úÇÐÀû °ü¸®¹ý    scientific management method
°ü°èȸ»ç    affiliated company
°ü·ÃÀÎ    affiliated person
°ü·Ãȸ»ç    related company
°ü·áÁ¦   Bureaucracy
°ü¸®°¡°Ý    administered price
°ü¸®°¡°Ý ÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç    administered price inflation
°ü¸®±â´É     management function
°ü¸®´ë»óÁ¾¸ñ     issues for administration
°ü¸®µµ   control chart
°ü¸®º¯µ¿È¯À²Á¦   managed currency system
°ü¸®º¯µ¿È¯À²Á¦µµ    Managed Floating Exchange Rate System
°ü¸®¼ö¼ö·á    management fee
°ü¸®Á÷´É    management function
°ü¸®ÅëÈ­Á¦µµ    planned monetary system
°ü¸® Ç÷ÎÆ®    managed floating of exchange rate
°ü¸®È¸°è    managerial accounting
°ü¼¼    tariff
°ü¼¼µ¿¸Í    customs union
°ü¼¼ºÒÁö±Þ¹ÝÀÔÀεµ°¡°Ý    Delivered Duty Unpaid
°ü¼¼»ó´ç¾×     tariff equlvalent
°ü¼¼¾çÇã    concession of tariff
°ü¼¼À²   tariff rate
°ü¼¼ÀÇ ½ÇÈ¿º¸È£À²    effective rate of tariff
°ü¼¼À庮    tariff wall
°ü¼¼Á¤Ã¥    tariff policy
°ü¼¼Áö±Þ¹ÝÀÔÀεµ°¡°Ý    Delivered Duty Paid
°ü¼¼ÇÒ´ç    tariff quota
°ü¼¼È­   tariffication
±¤°íÁ¶»ç    advertisement research
±¤°íÁÖ    advertiser
±¤°ø¾÷»ý»êÁö¼ö    Index of Industrial Product
±¤¼¶À¯¼¾¼­     optical fiber sensor
±¤ÀÚ±âµð½ºÅ©¸Þ¸ð¸®    magnetooptical disk memory
±¤ÀüÀÚ°øÇÐ     Opto-electronics
±¤ÁÖ±³¿ªÈ¸    Canton Export Commodities Fair
±¤ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ    optical computer
±¤Åë½Å     optical communication
±¤È­Çнº¸ð±×     photochemical smog
±¤IC     optical integrated circuit
±«¸®À²    disparate ratio
±³ºÎ¼¼    shared tax
±³¿ªÁ¶°Ç    terms of trade
±³À°°øÇÐ    educational engineering
±³À°»ê¾÷     educational industry
±³Â÷Áõ°Å±ÝÁ¦µµ    cross-margining system
±³Â÷ź·Â¼º    cross elasticity
±³Â÷Çì¡    cross hedging
±³Â÷ȯÀ²    cross rate
±³Åëü°è Á¾ÇÕ°ü¸®     transportation system management
±³È¯°¡Ä¡    exchange value
±³È¯°Å·¡    exchange transaction
±³È¯¹æ½Ä ÀÇ°á±Ç Â÷µîÈ­  exchange method dual-class recapitalization
±³È¯»çä  Exchangeable Bonds
±³È¯¿ÀÆÛ     exchange offer
±³È¯ÀÇ ÀϹݱÕÇü    general equilibrium of exchange
±³È¯Â÷¾×    balance of clearing
±¸¸Åµ¿±âÁ¶»ç    motivation research
±¸¸Å·Â    buying power
±¸¸Å·Â À§Çè    purchasing power risk
±¸¸Å·Â ä±Ç    purchasing power bond
±¸¸Å·ÂÆò°¡¼³    theory of purchasing power parity
±¸¸ÅÀÚ°¡°Ý     purchaser's price
±¸¸ÅÀÚ°¡°ÝÆò°¡Ç¥   transaction table at purchaser's price
±¸¸ÅÀÚ ±ÝÀ¶    buyer credit
±¸¸ÅÀÚ½ÃÀå    buyer's market
±¸¸ÅÀÚÂ÷°ü    buyer's credit
±¸¸Å Ŭ¶óÀ̸·½º    buying climax
±¸»ó¹«¿ª½Å¿ëÀå    back to back credit
±¸ÀιèÀ²    opening-to-application ratio
±¸Á¦±ÝÀ¶    relief loan
±¸Á¶Àû ¸í¼¼¼­    Structured Specification
±¸Á¶Àû ½Ç¾÷    structural unemployment
±¸Á¶Àû ÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç    structural inflation
±¸Á¶Àû ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö    Structured Programming
±¸Á¶Á¶Á¤     structural regulation
±¸Á°£ÀÌü½ÂÀÎ    authorization to transfer
±¸Á°ü¸®ÀÚ    account executive
±¸Á´ëü     book-keeping entry
±¸Á¹øÈ£    account number
±¸ÁÂÀÌÀü    transfer of account
±¸ÁÂÁ¦ÇÑÁ¶Ä¡   disabilities
±¸ÁÖ    old share
±¸ÁֺиŠ   secondary distribution
±¸Á÷ÀÇ ÀÌ·Ð    job search
±¸ÃàÈ¿°ú    crowding-out effect
±¹°¡±â±Ý    country fund
±¹°¡µ¶Á¡ÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇ    state monopolistic capitalism
±¹°¡»çȸÁÖÀÇ    state socialism
±¹°¡À§Çè    country risk
±¹°æ¼¼Á¶Á¤     border tax adjustment
±¹°æ ¾ø´Â ÀÇ»çȸ     Medecine sans Frontieres
±¹°æÀεµ°¡°Ý    delivered at frontier
±¹°í    national treasury
±¹°íº¸Á¶±Ý    state subsidy
±¹°íºÎ´ã±Ý    state liability
±¹°í¼öÁö    national treasury receipts and payments
±¹°í乫ºÎ´ãÇàÀ§    contract resulting in treasury obligation
±¹³»±ÕÇü : ±¹Á¦±ÕÇü   domestic equilibrium : international equilibrium
±¹³»¼ö·Î ¼±ÇÏÁõ±Ç  inland waterway bill of lading
±¹³»½Å¿ë    domestic credit
±¹³»¿©½Å   domestic credit
±¹³»¿Ü°¡°ÝÂ÷»ó´ç¼¼À²    TE, Tariff Equvalent
±¹³»ÀÚº»Çü¼º°èÁ¤    domestic gross saving and capital formation account
±¹³»ÃÑ°íÁ¤ÀÚº»Çü¼º  gross domestic fixed capital formation
±¹³»ÃÑ»ý»ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÁöÃâ    expenditure on GDP
±¹³»ÃÑ¼Òµæ     GDI  
±¹³»ÃÑÅõÀÚÀ²    Gross Domestic Investment Ratio
±¹¹Î    national
±¹¹Î°¡Ã³ºÐ¼Òµæ°ú óºÐ°èÁ¤    national disposable income and its appropriation
±¹¹Î°èÁ¤Ã¼°è   system of national accounts
±¹¹Î»ýÈ°ÁöÇ¥   New Social Indicator
±¹¹Î¼Òµæ    national income
±¹¹Î¼ÒµæÅë°è   national income statistics
±¹¹Î¼ø»ý»ê   NNP
±¹¹ÎÀÚº»   national capital
±¹¹ÎÁÖÅÃä±Ç   housing bond
±¹¹ÎóºÐ°¡´É¼Òµæ   NDI
±¹¹ÎÃÑ»ý»ê   gross national product
±¹¹ÎÃѼö¿ä   gross national demand
±¹¹ÎÃÑÁöÃâ   gross national expenditures
±¹¹ÎPC     personal computer of a nation
±¹º° ³ó¾÷º¸È£ ¹× Áö¿øÁ¶Ä¡ ÇöȲÀÚ·á    country list
±¹º°¾çÇãÇ¥    country schedule
±¹º°À§Çè     country risk
±¹º°Çѵµ    country limit
±¹ºÎ      national wealth
±¹¼¼     national tax
±¹¼¼Á¶»ç    census
±¹¼¼ÅëÇսýºÅÛ     Tax Integrated System
±¹¿µ¹«¿ª    state trade
±¹¿Ü¼ø¼öÃë°æ»óÀÌÀü    Net Current Transfers from the Rest of the World
±¹¿Ü¼ø¼öÃë¿ä¼Ò¼Òµæ     Net Factor Income from the Rest of the World
±¹¿ÜÀúÃà    Foreign Savings
±¹À¯Àç»ê    national assets
±¹Àû¼±    national flag carrier
±¹Á¤¼¼À²    national tariff
±¹Á¦°æÁ¦Çù·Â     economic cooperation
±¹Á¦°æÁ¦Çù·ÂÀºÇà    The International Bank of Economic Cooperation for COMECON
±¹Á¦°ü¸®ÅëÈ­    international managed currency
±¹Á¦±¤°íÇùȸ    International Advertising Association
±¹Á¦±ÕÇü     External Equilibrium
±¹Á¦ ±×¸°Å©·Î½º    International GreenCross
±¹Á¦±Ýº»À§Á¦µµ    international-gold standard system
±¹Á¦±ÝÀ¶¼¾ÅÍ      international financial center
±¹Á¦±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå     international money market
±¹Á¦±ÝÀ¶È¸ÀÇ      IMC, International Monetary Conference
±¹Á¦±Ýȯº»À§Á¦µµ     Internatinal Gold Exchange Stadard
±¹Á¦³ó¾÷°³¹ß±â±Ý     International Fund for Agricultural Development
±¹Á¦´Ü±â±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå     international money market
±¹Á¦´ëÂ÷     balance of international indebtedness
±¹Á¦´ëÂ÷¼³      theory of international indebtedness
±¹Á¦ µðÁöÅÐ Àü¿ëȸ¼± ¼­ºñ½º     International Digital Leased-line Service
±¹Á¦¹Ú¶÷ȸ    International Trade Fair
±¹Á¦¹æ¼Û     overseas broadcasting
±¹Á¦¹æ¼ÛÅë½Å±â±¸     International Institute of Communication
±¹Á¦º»µå °Å·¡ÀÚÇùȸ     Association of International Bond Dealers
±¹Á¦ºÎÈï°³¹ßÀºÇà     International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
±¹Á¦ºÐ»êÅõÀÚ     international diversification
±¹Á¦ºÐ¾÷      international specialization
±¹Á¦»ê¾÷¿¬°üÇ¥   international input-output table
±¹Á¦»ó»çÁßÀç    international commercial arbitration
±¹Á¦»ó¾÷ȸÀÇ¼Ò     International Chamber of Commerce
±¹Á¦»óÇ°     international commodity
±¹Á¦»óÇ°°áÁ¦È¸»ç     International Commodities Clearing House
±¹Á¦»óÇ°ÇùÁ¤     international commodity agreement
±¹Á¦»óÈ£Á÷Á¢´ëÃâ     back-to-back loan
±¹Á¦¼®À¯°Å·¡¼Ò      International Petroleum Exchange
±¹Á¦¼®À¯ÀÚº»     Majors, International Oil Majors
±¹Á¦¼ö·Î     international river
±¹Á¦¼öÁö     balance of international payment
±¹Á¦¼öÁöºÒ±ÕÇü     international payments imbalances
±¹Á¦¼öÁöÁ¢±Ù     balance of payment approach
±¹Á¦¼öÁöÁ¶Á¤±â±¸      adjustment mechanism of international payment
±¹Á¦¼öÁöÇ¥¿Í ±¹Á¦´ëÂ÷Ç¥     Balance of International Indebtedeness
±¹Á¦½º¿Òµô·¯Çùȸ    International Swap Dealers' Association
±¹Á¦½Å¹®Çùȸ ,   ±¹Á¦¾ð·ÐÇùȸ    International Press Institute ,  IPI
±¹Á¦¿¬ÇÕ ±¹Á¦»ó°Å·¡¹ýÀ§¿øȸ    United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
±¹Á¦À¯µ¿¼º     international liquidity
±¹Á¦ÀÇȸ¿¬¸Í     Inter-Parliamentary
±¹Á¦ÀÌÁß»óÀå     dual listing
±¹Á¦Àڻ갡°Ý°áÁ¤¸ðÇü     international asset pricing model
±¹Á¦Áõ±Ç°Å·¡¼Ò¿¬ÇÕ      International Federation of Stock Exchanges
±¹Á¦Áõ±Ç°ü¸®À§¿øȸ     International Organization of Securities Commissions
±¹Á¦Áõ±Ç°ü¸®À§¿øȸ±â±¸     International Organization of Securities Commissions
±¹Á¦ Áøº¸ ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¿¬ÇÕü    APC
±¹Á¦Â÷°ü´Ü    Consortium
±¹Á¦Ã¤    international bond
±¹Á¦Ãµ¿¬°í¹«ÇùÁ¤      International Natural Rubber Agreement
±¹Á¦ÅëÈ­     international money or currency
±¹Á¦ÅëÈ­±â±Ý     International Monetary Fund
±¹Á¦ÅõÀÚº¸Áõ±â±¸    Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
±¹Á¦ÅõÀÚºÐÀïÁßÀ缾Ÿ    International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
±¹Á¦ÅõÀÚ½ÅŹ     international investment trust
±¹Á¦ÅõÀÚÀºÇà     international investment bank
±¹Á¦ÅõÀÚÇåÀå    Guidlines for International Investment
±¹Á¦ÆÑÅ͸µ      international factoring
±¹Á¦Æò°¡Á¶°Ç    international parity conditions
±¹Á¦Æ÷°æÁ¶¾à      International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
±¹Á¦Æ÷Æ®Æú¸®¿À      international portfolio
±¹Á¦Ç¥ÁØ      International Standard
±¹Á¦ÇǼÅÈ¿°ú    international Fisher effect
±¹Á¦Ç×°ø¿î¼Û¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿ù¼ÒÁ¶¾à     The Convention for Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Inter- national Carriage by Air.
±¹Á¦ÇؾçÀçÆÇ¼Ò      International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
±¹Á¦ÇØÇù      Internatinal Straits
±¹Á¦Çü»ç°æÂû±â±¸      Interpol
±¹Á¦È­Æó½ÃÀå     international monetary market
±¹Á¦È¸°è±âÁØ      international accounting standards
±¹Ã¤    government bond
±¹Ã¤°ü¸®Á¤Ã¥      debt management policy
±¹Ã¤´Ü¼ø¸Å¸ÅÁ¶ÀÛ       Outright Purchase & Sales
±¹Ã¤¿ÀÆÛ·¹ÀÌ¼Ç       operation by government securities
±¹Ã¤Àü¹®µô·¯      Primary Dealer
±¼¶Ò»ê¾÷     smokestack industry
±¼Àý¼ö¿ä°î¼±     kinked demand curve
±Ç¸®¶ô       rightoff
±Ç¸®¶ô ÀÏ     ex-distribution date
±Ç¸®Áõ¼­     right
±Ç¸®Çà»ç     Exercise
±Ç¸®Çà»ç°¡°Ý        exercise price
±Ç¸®Çà»ç°³½ÃÁöºÐ       kick-in point
±ÇÇÑÀ§¾ç      delegation of authority
±Í³³Àû Ãß·Ð      inductive inference
±Í¼Ó¼Òµæ     imputed income
±Í¼ÓÀÌ·Ð      theory of imputation
±Í¼ÓÀÌÀÚÀ²     imputed interest rate
±Í¼ÓÀÓ´ë·á      imputed rent
±Ô¸ðÀÇ °æÁ¦      economy of scale
±Ô¸ðÀÇ ºñ°æÁ¦      disconomies of scale
±Ô¸ðÀÇ ÀÌÀÍ      scale merit
±Ô¸ðÈ¿°ú     size effect
±Ô¹ü°æÁ¦ÇÐ    normative economics
±ÔÁ¦¿ÏÈ­    deregulation
±ÕÀÏ°¡°ÝÁ¤Ã¥     one price policy
±ÕÇü°¡°Ý     equilibrium price
±ÕÇü°æ±â¼øȯÀÌ·Ð     Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory
±ÕÇü¼º°ú±â·ÏÇ¥     Balanced Score Card
±ÕÇü¿¹»ê½Â¼ö     multiplier of balanced budget
±ÕÇüÀÌ·Ð     equilibrium theory
±ÕÇüÀÌÀÚÀ²     equilibrium rate of interest
±ÕÇüÀåºÎ       matched book
±ÕÇüÀçÁ¤      balanced finance
±ÕÇüÀçÁ¤Á¤¸®    balanced budget theorem
±ÕÇüÆÝµå     balanced fund
±ÕÇüȯÀ²     equilibrium rate of exchange
±×¶óµ¥ÀÌ¼Ç      gradation
±×·¡ÇÈ µð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ ÀåÄ¡       graphic display
±×·£Æ® ¿¤¸®¸ÕÆ®     grant element
±×·¹¼ÉÀÇ ¹ýÄ¢      Gresham's law
±×·¹À̽º µ¥ÀÌ      Grace Day, Day of Grace
±×·¹ÀÌ ÀÓÆ÷ÅÍ      Gray Impoter
±×·¹ÀÌ Á¸     Gray Zone
±×·¹ÀÌ Ä®¶ó       gray collar
±×·¹ÀÌ Ä÷¯        gray collar
±×·¹ÀÌÅÍ Ç® ÀÌ·Ð      greater fool theory
±×·¹ÀÌÇÁ ¹ÙÀÎ      grape vine
±×·Î½º ¸®¼¼¼Ç     growth recession
±×·ì ´ÙÀ̳»¹Í½º      group dynamics
±×·ì¿þ¾î     group ware
±×·ì Å×Å©³î·¯Áö     group techonology
±×·ì ȨÁ¦      group home system
±×·ì 15      group 15
±×¸°¶ó¿îµå     green round
±×¸° ¸£³×»ó½º         green renaissance
±×¸°¸¶ÄÉÆà       green marketing
±×¸°¸Å´ÏÁö¸ÕÆ®       Green Management
±×¸°¸ÞÀÏ       Green Mail
±×¸°º§Æ®     green belt
±×¸° ºñÁî´Ï½º      green business
±×¸° ¿¡³ÊÁö     green energy
±×¸°Å¸ÀÌ      Green tie
±×¸°Çǽº    Green Peace
±×¸° GDP      green GDP
±×¸° GNP     green GNP
±Ø´ë¿ø¸®    maximum principle
±Ø´ëÀÌÀ±     maximum profit
±ØÇÑÀÛ¾÷ ·Îº¿      extremly dangerous environment robots
±Ù·Î°è¾à       contract employment
±Ù·Î¼Òµæ      earned income
±Ù·ÎÀÚÁõ±ÇÀúÃà     employee securities savings
±Ù¸°±ÃÇÌÈ­Á¤Ã¥     pooring neighbor's policy
±Ù¿ù¸¸±â     nearby
±Ù¿ù¹°      nearby month contract
±ÙÀú´ç       fixed collateral
±Û¶ó½º³ë½ºÆ®     Glasnost
±Û·¡¸Ó ÁÖ     glamor stock
±Û·¡¸Ó ÁÖ½Ä       glamour stock
±Û·Î¹ú °æ¿µ     globalization
±Û·Î¹ú ´Ï°í½Ã¿¡ÀÌ¼Ç       global negotiation
±Û·Î¹ú ¹ðÅ·     global banking
±Û·Î¹ú º»µå     Global Bond
±Û·Î¹ú ¼Ò½Ì     global sourcing
±Û·Î¹ú ½ºÅÄ´Ùµå     Global Standard
±Û·Î¹ú ½ÃÀå     global market
±Û·Î¹ú ¿À°Å³ªÀÌÀú Àü·«       global organizer strategy
±Û·Î¹ú Àü¹® °æ¿µ      GPM
±Û·Î¹ú Áß±âä     global MTN
±Û·Î¹ú üũ       global check
±Û·Î¹ú ÆÝµå      global fund
±Û·Î¹ú Æ÷·³      NGO : Non Governmental Organization
±Û·Î¹ú 500        Global 500
±Û·Îº¤½º     GLOBEX
±Û·Îº¸º¸½º      Globoboss
±Û·ÎÄ®¸®Á¦ÀÌ¼Ç    glocalization
±Ý°¡°Ý ÀÎ»ó     upward revaluation of gold
±Ý°æÁ¦±Ç    Gold Block
±Ý°íÁÖ       treasury stock
±Ý±«º»À§Á¦µµ     gold bullion standard
±Ý±³È¯¼º      dollar convertibility into gold
±Ý³«ÇÏ»ê      gloden parachute
±Ý´ãº¸Â÷°ü     gold collateral loan
±Ý¸®»óÇÑ°è¾à     cap
±Ý¸®»óÇÑ°è¾àºÎ º¯µ¿±Ý¸®Ã¤      capped FRN
±Ý¸®»óȯ       ceiling
±Ý¸®»ýÈ°ÀÚ     rentier
±Ý¸®¼±¹°     interest rate futures
±Ý¸®¼öÁØ      level of interest rate
±Ý¸® ½º¿Ò      interest rate swap
±Ý¸®¿¬°èä±Ç      interest rate linked bond
±Ý¸®¿¬µ¿ºÎ»çä     floating rate bond
±Ý¸®¿É¼Ç        interest rate option
±Ý¸®À§Çè        interest rate risk
±Ý¸® ÀͽºÆ÷ÁÖ¾î      interest rate exposure
±Ý¸®ÀÚÀ¯È­     liberalization of interest rates
±Ý¸®ÀçÁ¤       interest arbitrage
±Ý¸®ÀçÁ¤°Å·¡      interest arbitrage transaction
±Ý¸®Á¤Ã¥       bank rate policy
±Ý¸®Á¶°Ç ±Ý¸®½º¿Ò      interest term coupon swap
±Ý¸®Â÷      interest differential
±Ý¸®Â÷º°Á¦µµ        market tiering
±Ý¸®Ã¼°è       structure of interest
±Ý¸®Ä®¶ó       interest rate collar
±Ý¸®Ä¸       interest rate cap
±Ý¸®Æò°¡¼³        interest parity theory
±Ý¸®      floor ceiling
±Ý¹Ý¾ð¼³     estoppel theory
±Ý¼±È£      preference for gold
±Ý¼ÓÈ­Æó      metallic money
±Ý¼ö°©      golden handcuffs
±Ý¼öÁ¶Ä¡      embargo
±Ý½ÃÀå       gold market
±Ý¾à°ü       gold clause
±Ý¿¬Áõ±Ç       gilt-edged securities
±Ý¿äÀÏÈ¿°ú      Friday effect
±ÝÀ¶      finance
±ÝÀ¶°³°üÇ¥      financial survey
±ÝÀ¶°Å·¡°èÁ¤       financial transaction account
±ÝÀ¶°æ»ö       credit crunch
±ÝÀ¶±¹Á¦È­      internationalization of banking
±ÝÀ¶±Í¼Ó¼­ºñ½º      imputed bank service charges
±ÝÀ¶±â°ü      financial institution
±ÝÀ¶±â°üÀÇ NFA       Net Foreign Assets
±ÝÀ¶³»Æø°úÁ¤       Financial Imploding
±ÝÀ¶»óÇ°ºÐÇØ        unbundling
±ÝÀ¶¼­·ù      financial documents
±ÝÀ¶¼ö´Ü     financial instruments
±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå      money market
±ÝÀ¶¿¬°üºñÀ²      Financial Interrelations Ratio
±ÝÀ¶¿ÏÈ­      easy money
±ÝÀ¶ÀÇ °èÀý¼º      financial seasonableness
±ÝÀ¶ÀÇ ¾çÀû±ÔÁ¦       financial quantitative regulation
±ÝÀ¶ÀÇ ÁúÀû±ÔÁ¦        financial qualitative regulation
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚº»       finance capital
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚ»ê       finanacial assets
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚ»êºÎäÀܾ×Ç¥       financial assets and liabilities
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚ»ê¼öÁöÁ¢±Ù       portfolio balance approach
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚ»êÅõÀÚ        portfolio investment
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚÀ¯È­       liberalization of banking
±ÝÀ¶ÀÚÀ¯È­ °èȹ¼­       Blue print
±ÝÀ¶Àýµµ      monetary discipline
±ÝÀ¶Á¤Ã¥     financial policy
±ÝÀ¶Á¦µµ°³Çõ¹ý       Depositary Institutions Deregulation Monetary Control Act
±ÝÀ¶Áß°³±â°ü       financial intermediary
±ÝÀ¶Áõ±ÇÈ­       securitization of banking
±ÝÀ¶Ã¤±Ç       financial bond
±ÝÀ¶ÅëÈ­À§¿øȸ     Monetary Board
±ÝÀ¶ÇϺα¸Á¶      financial infrastructure
±ÝÀ¶ÇÏÀÌ¿þÀÌ     financial highway
±ÝÀü½ÅŹ      money in trust
±ÝÀüÃâ³³ºÎ¼­       casher's department
±ÝÁö°ü¼¼     prohibitive duty
±ÝÁö±Ýº»À§   ÐÝò¢ÐÝÜâêÈ   gold bullion standard
±ÝÁöÁ¶Ç×     negative covenant
±ÝÅÂȯ¼º     gold convertibility
±Ý Ç® Á¦     Gold Pool
±ÝÈ­      gold coin
±Ýȯº»À§Á¦      gold exchange standard system
±Þ¼Ó½ÃÀå       fast market
±â°¡     Giga
±â°£     term
±â°£º¸Çè     time insurance
±â°£»ê¾÷      key industry
±â°£Á¶Á¤¼öÀÍ      time-weighted return
±â°è¾î     Machine Language
±â°èÇнÀ      Machine Learning
±â°ü     institution
±â°ü ºê·ÎÄ¿      institutional broker
±â°üÅõÀÚ°¡     institutional investor
±â±¹ÁÖÀÇ     maritime flagstate
±â±ÝÇü ÅõÀÚ½ÅŹ     fund type investment trust
±â´Éº° ¼ÒµæºÐ¹è    functional distribution of income
±â´ÉÀç·á      functional materials
±â´ÉÀû ÀçÁ¤     functional finance
±â´ÉÁ¶Á÷       functional organization
±â´ÉÅëÈ­       functional currency
±â´ë      expectation
±â´ë°¡Ä¡±âÁØ    expected value rule
±â´ë¼öÀÍ     expected return
±â´ëÁ¢±Ù     Expectation Approach
±â´ëÁ¶Á¤ Çʸ³½º°î¼±    expectation augmented Phillipscurve
±â´ëÈ¿¿ëÀÌ·Ð      expected utility theory
±â·ÏÀÏ     record date
±â¸»Àç°í      ending inventory
±â¸í»çä     Registered Bond
±â¸í½Ä ¼±ÇÏÁõ±Ç     straight or flat bills of lading
±â¸íä±Ç     registered bond
±âº»°¡¾×      basic value
±âº»¼¼À²       general rate
±âº»¿äÀÎ     fundamentals
±âº»ÀÚº»     Core Capital
±âº»Àû ºÐ¼®°¡     fundamentalist
±âºÎ±Ý Ưº°°øÁ¦     charitable contribution deduction
±âºÎÀÚº»     donated capital
±â»óÀ§¼º     meteorological satellites
±â¼¼     quotation
±â¼öÀû È¿¿ë & ¼­¼öÀû È¿¿ë    cardinal utility & ordinal utility
±â¼ú±³È¯½ÃÀå   Technology Mart Áظ»
±â¼úµµ½Ã   technopolis
±â¼úºÐ¼®    technical analysis
±â¼ú¼öÃâ    export techniques
±â¼úÀÌÀü    technology transfer
±â¼úÀû °­¼¼     technically strong
±â¼úÀû ¹Ýµî      technical rebound
±â¼úÀû ºÐ¼®°¡     technician
±â¼úÀû ¾à¼¼     technically weak
±â¼úÀû Á¶Á¤    technical correction
±â¼úÀû ÁöÇ¥    technical indicator
±â¼úÀû乫ºÒÀÌÇà    technical default
±â¼úÁøº¸    technological progress
±â¾Æ¼öÃâ     hunger export
±â¾î¸µ ·¹ÀÌ¼î    gearing ratio
±â¾÷   firm
±â¾÷°¡ÀÌÀ±    entrepreneur's profit
±â¾÷°¨¼¼    tax cut for business and enterprise
±â¾÷°³¼±ÀÛ¾÷     Workout
±â¾÷°áÇÕ    business consolidation
±â¾÷°æ±â½Ç»çÁö¼ö     BSI
±â¾÷°æ¿µ·Ð    business administration theory
±â¾÷°ø°³    going public
±â¾÷°ø°³ÃËÁø¹ý    Public Corporation Inducement Law
±â¾÷±¸Á¶ÀçÆí    restructuring
±â¾÷±ÝÀ¶    business finance
±â¾÷³»¿ë°ø½Ã    disclosure
±â¾÷´ãº¸     floating charge
±â¾÷¸Å¼öÇÕº´    M&A
±â¾÷º°Á¶ÇÕ    enterprise union
±â¾÷ºÐÇÒ   Split-off
±â¾÷»ç³É²Û     Raiders
±â¾÷¼³¸íÈ°µ¿    IR   :  Investors Relation
±â¾÷¾îÀ½   CP
±â¾÷¿¬±Ý   corporate pension plan
±â¾÷À§Çè   company risk
±â¾÷ÀÇ »çȸÀû Ã¥ÀÓ    social responsibility of enterprises
±â¾÷ÀÇ ÃÑÇö±ÝÈ帧    total cash flow of the firm
±â¾÷ÀÌÀ±À²    earning ratio
±â¾÷Àμö   takeover
±â¾÷Àμö±ÔÁ¦¹ý   antitakeover statute
±â¾÷ Àμö ÇÕº´    merger and acquisition
±â¾÷Á¤Ã¼¼º    corporate identity
±â¾÷Áö¹è±¸Á¶    £Ãorporate £Çovernance
±â¾÷Å»ÃëÀÚ    corporate raider
±â¾÷ÇÕ¸®È­Àû¸³±Ý     reserve for business improvement
±â¾÷ȸ°è    business accounting
±â¾÷ȸ°è¿øÄ¢   business accounting principles
±â¿©ÀÚº»    contributed capital
±âÁ¸Æ¯Çý    existing preferential duties
±âÁ¾Á¡Á¶»ç    Origin Destination Survey
±âÁØ´ëÃâ±Ý¸®     base rates
±âÁصî±Þ   basis grade
±âÁؼ¼À²    base rate
±âÁØ¿¬µµ    base year
±âÁØÀ²    basic rate
±âÁØÀÏ    fixed date
±âÁØȯ½Ã¼¼    basic rate of exchange
±âä¼³¸í¼­   offering circular
±âä½ÃÀå   bond flotation market
±âäÁ¶Á¤    coordinating for issuing
±âäÃëÁö¼­     information memorandum
±âÃÊ°øÁ¦    basic exemption
±âÃʼ­·ù    basic file
±âÃʼöÁö    basic balance of payments
±âÃʼöÁö¿Í Á¾ÇÕ¼öÁö   Basic Balance & Overall Balance
±âÃÊÀç°í¾×    beginning inventory
±âÃÊÀû ºÒ±ÕÇü   fundamental disequilibrium
±âŸºÎä    other liabilities
±âŸ¼öÀÍ    other revenue
±âŸÀÚ»ê    other assets
±âŹ°èÁ¤    escrow account
±âŹ½Å¿ëÀå    escrow credit
±âÅõÀÔ¿ø°¡    sunk costs
±âÆæÀÇ ¿ª¼³    Giffen's paradox
±âÆæÀç   Giffen's goods
±âÇǼ±¾ð±Ç    right of nullification
±âÇѺΠ½Å¿ëÀå    usance credit
±âÇѺΠ¾îÀ½    time bill
±âÇѺΠȯÀ²    usance rate
±âÇÑ¿¬Àå±ÇºÎ Áõ±Ç   adjustable long-term puttable securities
±âÇÑ¿¬ÀåºÎ ĸ     deferred cap
±âÇÑ¿¬ÀåºÎ È®Á¤±Ý¸®Ã¤   debt with deferred interest rate setting
±âÇÑÀü »óȯ¹úÄ¢±Ý    prepayment fee
±âȸºñ¿ë   opportunity cost
±âȸÀÌµæ   opportunity gain
±âÈÄÇù¾à    climatic change convention
±ä±Þ°ü¼¼    emergency duty
±ä±ÞÁ¶Á¤    emergency adjustment
±ä±ÞÅëÈ­   emergency currency
±äÃàÅëÈ­    tight money
±æµå    guild
±æÆ®Áõ±Ç    gilt securities
±æÇ×·Â    counterveiling power
±é½¼ÀÇ ¿ª¼³   Gibson's paradox
±ê´ëÇü ÁÖ°¡   flag for mation
±íÀº ½ÃÀå    deep market
±íÀÌ    depth
²®µ¥±âÁÖ½Ä   stub stock
²¿¸®-°³ È¿°ú    Tail-Wagging-the-Dog Effect
²Ù¸£¶ì¿¡   Courtier
³ª³ëÅ×Å©³î·¯Áö   nano-technology
³ªºñÇü ½ºÇÁ·¹µå    butterfly spread
³ª½º´Ú    NASDAQ
³ª¿ë¼±    bare boat charter
³ª¿ì°èÁ¤   negotiable order of withdrawal accounts
³ªÀÌ·ç    £Î£Á£É£Ò£Õ
³ªÇÁŸ    naphtha
³ªÇÁŸ ºÐÇؼ¾ÅÍ    NCC
³«ºñ¾ç°ü¹ý   optimistic-pessimistic method
³«Âû   successful bid
³²³²¹®Á¦   South-South Problem
³²³²Çù·Â   South-South cooperation
³²ºÏ¹®Á¦    North-South Problem
³²¾Æ½Ã¾Æ Áö¿ªÇù·Â¿¬ÇÕ  SAARC
³³¼¼ Àǹ«ÀÇ È®Á¤   establishment of tax liability
³³ÀÔÀÚº»±Ý     paid-in capital
³³È¸    closing meet
³´ ¹Ì ¼¼´ë   Not Me Generation
³»°¡°Ý    In-the-Money
³»°¡°Ý ¿É¼Ç   in-the-money option
³»±¸Àç : ºñ³»±¸Àç   durable goods : non-durable goods
³»±¹¹«¿ª    domestic trade
³»±¹¹Î´ë¿ì    national treatment
³»±¹¼¼ ¹ýÀü    Internal Revenue Code
³»±¹¼öÀÔ À¯»ê½º   Domestic Import Usance
³»±¹½Å¿ëÀå    local L/C
³»±¹ÀÎ ¼ÒÀ¯È­    indigenization
³»±Ô   house rules
³»·¹ÀÌÅÍ ¸ðµ¨    Narrator Model
³»·Îij½ºÆà  Narrowcasting
³»ºÎ°¨»ç     internal audit
³»ºÎ°æÁ¦     internal economies
³»ºÎ±ÝÀ¶    internal financing
³»ºÎ³ëµ¿½ÃÀå   Internal Labor Marker
³»ºÎºÒ°æÁ¦    Internal Diseconomics
³»ºÎ½ÃÀå    inside market
³»ºÎ¿äÀÎ     internal factor
³»ºÎÀ¯º¸    internal reserves
³»ºÎÀÌ»ç     inside director
³»ºÎÀÚ     insider
³»ºÎÁ¤º¸    inside information
³»ºñ°ÔÀÌÅÍ    Navigator
³»¼Å³Î ¹Ì´Ï¸Ø    national minimum
³»¼Å³Î Æ®·¯½ºÆ®     national trust
³»¼Å³Î ÇÁ·¹½ºÅ¬·´    National Press Club
³»¼ö¸é¾î¾÷     inland fisheries
³»½Ã±ÕÇü    Nash's euilibrium
³»¿ë¿¬¼ö    period of depreciation
³»Àç°¡Ä¡    Intrinsic Value
³»Àç¼±¹°ÀÌÀÚÀ²    implied forward rate
³Ã°¢Àç    coolant
³×°¡Æ¼ºê ½Ã½ºÅÛ     Negative system
³×°¡Æ¼ºê ÇÁ·¹Áö     negative pledge
³×°ÅƼºê ±¤°í      negative advertisement
³×°ÅƼºê ¸®½ºÆ®    negative list
³×°ÅƼºê ¼Òµæ¼¼    negative income tax
³×°ÅƼºê ½Ã½ºÅÛ     Negative System
³×°ÅƼºê Á¸     negative zone
³×ºñ°ÔÀÌ¼Ç µðÀÚÀÎ     Nevigation Design
³×¿Àºí·ç Ä®¶ó     Neo-Blue Color
³×¿ÀÆ÷µðÁò     neo-fordism
³×ÀÌÅ©µå ¶óÀÌÆà    naked writing
³×ÀÓ ¸¶ÄÉÆ®     Name Market
³×ÀÓ ¹ë·ù½ÃÀå     name value market
³×ÀÓ¼­¹ö    Name Server
³×ÀÓ ¾Öµå    name ads
³×Æ® ¹é ¹æ½Ä     net back system
³×Æ®¿öÄ¿    Netwoker
³×Æ®¿öÅ©    Network
³×Æ®¿öÅ© ¼­¹ö     Network Server
³×Æ®¿öÅ© ¿£Áö´Ï¾î    Network Engineer
³×Æ®¿öÅ©ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ    NC
³×Æ®¿öÅ·    networking
³×ƼÁð     netizen
³×ƼÄÏ   Netiquette
³×Æà    Neting
³×Æà ½Ã½ºÅÛ    Netting System
³×ÇÁÄ¡ ¹æ½Ä    neffci fomula
³×Çü¼´ë     Netple Generation
³Ø½Ã½º    Nexis  
³Ý µ¥ÀÌ    Net Day
³ëµ¿°¡Ä¡¼³     labour value theory
³ëµ¿°­µµ    intensity of labour
³ëµ¿±ÍÁ·    labour aristocrat
³ëµ¿·ÂÀ̵¿     movement of labor force
³ëµ¿·ÂÀα¸     labor force
³ëµ¿ºÐ¹èÀ²    labor's relative share
³ëµ¿»ý»ê¼º     labor productivity
³ëµ¿»ý»ê¼ºÁö¼ö     labor productivity index
³ëµ¿½ÃÀå     labor market
³ëµ¿¿îµ¿     labour movement
³ëµ¿À§¿øȸ     Labor Relation Commission
³ëµ¿À¯¹ß°è¼ö      labor inducement coefficient
³ëµ¿ÀÇ °ø±Þ°î¼±     supply curve of labour
³ëµ¿ÀÇ ¼ö¿ä°î¼±     demand curve of labour
³ëµ¿ÀÚ ÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇ     worker capitalism
³ëµ¿ÀåºñÀ²    labor equipment ratio
³ëµ¿ÀïÀÇ    labour dispute
³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ     labor union
³ëµ¿3¹ý    three act concerning with labor
³ëµå     node
³ëµåÄ­ Àç°í    North American and Nordic producer inventories
³ë ¸¶Áø     No Margin
³ë¸¶Áø º¯µ¿±Ý¸®Ã¤    no margin FRN
³ë¸Åµå    Nomad
³ë¹«°ü¸®     personned administration
³ëº§ °æÁ¦ÇÐ»ó    Nobel Prize
³ëº§Æ¼     novelty
³ëºê·£µå Àü·«    no brand strategies
³ëºñÁò   Nobyism
³ë»ç°ü°è   union-management relations
³ë¿þ¾î    know-where
³ëÀÌÁî Æ®·¹ÀÌ´õ    noise trader
³ëÀÏ    Noil
³ëÄ®¶ó     No Collar
³ëÆ®ºÏÄÄÇ»ÅÍ    Notebook Computer
³ëƼ½º    Notice
³ëÇÏ¿ì     know how
³ì´Ù¿î ¼öÃâ    Knock down export
³ì»ö»óÇ°    green goods
³ì»ö½Å°í      green return
³ì»ö½Å°íÁ¦     a green return system
³ì»öÅëÈ­     green currency
³ì»öÇõ¸í    green revolution
³í¹ðÅ©     non-bank
³í ¹ðÅ© µô·¯    Non Bank Dealer
³í Ä®¶ó    non collar
³óµµ±ÔÁ¦    regulation of emission concentration
³ó»ê¹°°¡°ÝÁöÁöÁ¦µµ     farm-price-support system
³ó¾÷°øÁ¦    agricultural insurance
³ó¾÷±¸Á¶Á¤Ã¥     policy on agricultural structure
³ó¾÷±ÝÀ¶     agricultural credits
³ó¾÷ÃÑ»ý»ê¾×     gross agricultural output
³óÃà¿ì¶ó´½    enriched uranium
³óÇù     agricultural cooperatives
´©Àû¹è´ç     accumulated dividend
´©Àû¾×    cumulative
´©ÀûÀÇ°á±Ç   cumulative voting
´©ÀûÀÏ°ý°Å·¡    batch trading
´©ÀûÀ׿©±Ý¼¼     accumulated earnings tax
´©ÀûÀû ¿ì¼±ÁÖ    cumulative preferred stock
´©ÀûÀûÀÚ    accumulated deficit
´©ÀûÀû Âü°¡¿ì¼±ÁÖ    cumulative participating preferred stock
´©ÀûÁõ±Ç    cumulative
´©Àû乫     debt accumulation
´©ÀûÃÊ°ú¼öÀÍ·ü    cumulative average residual
´©ÀûÅõÇ¥     accumulative voting
´©Áø¼¼     progressive tax
´º ±Û·¡½º     new glass
´ºµôÁ¤Ã¥    New Deal Policy
´º·Î ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ   Neuro-Computer
´º¸®Ä¡ Çö»ó   New Rich Syndrom
´º¹Ìµð¾î  new mass communication media
´º½º±×·ì    news group
´º½º¸Ó¼È   Newsmercial
´º½º ½ÅµðÄÉÀÌÆ®    news sindicate
´º ½Ç¹ö   new silver
´º¿¡³ÊÁö   new energy
´º¿å»ó¾÷°Å·¡¼Ò   New York Mercantile Exchange
´º¿å»óÇ°°Å·¡¼Ò   Commodity Exchange
´º¿å¼±¹°°Å·¡¼Ò    New York Futures Exchange
´º¿åÁõ±Ç°Å·¡¼Ò    New York Stock Exchange
´º ÀÌÄÚ³ë¹Ì    New Economy
´ºÁú·£µå¼±¹° & ¿É¼Ç°Å·¡¼Ò    New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange
´ºÆз¯´ÙÀÓ   new paradigm
´É·Â±Þ   pay according to ability
´É·ü±Þ   Efficiency Wage, Payment By Results
´ÏÄ¡ »óÇ°    Niche
´Ð½¼ ¼îÅ©    Nixon Shock
´ÔºñÇö»ó     Nimby, Not In My Backyard
´Ù°¢°áÁ¦      multilateral compensation
´Ù°¢¹«¿ª     multilateral trade
´Ù°¢È­Àü·«   diversification strategy
´Ù°¢È­È¸»ç     diversified company
´Ù°èÃþ Áõ±Ç    collateralized mortgage obligation
´Ù±¹°£ ¹«¿ª±â±¸  Multilateral Trade Organization
´Ù±¹°£ ¼¶À¯ÇùÁ¤   Multi-Fiber Textile Arrangement
´Ù±¹°£ ÅëÈ­Á¶Á¤   multi-national currency realignment
´Ù±¹°£ ȯÀ²¸ðÇü    MERM
´Ù±¹Àû ±â¾÷    Multi-National Corporation
´Ù±¹ÀûÀºÇà    multi-national bank
´Ù±×¸¶ ÀÌ·Ð   DAGMAR theory
´Ù±â´Éû¼Ò±â    Super Gun
´Ù´Ü°è À¯Åë¸ðµ¨     multi-step flow model
´Ù´Ü°èÆǸŠ    Multi Level Marketing
´ÙºÎ¹®¼ºÀå·Ð   multisectoral theory of growth
´Ù»öÀÎ¼â    multicolor printing
´Ù¼öÁÖÁÖ Âü°¡±ÔÁ¤    supermajority provision
´Ù¿ìÀÌ·Ð    Dow Theory
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½º °ø°ø¼­ºñ½ºÁö¼ö     Dow Jones Utility Average
´Ù¿ì Á¸½º ´º½º ¼­ºñ½º     Dow Jones News Service
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½º »ê¾÷Áö¼ö   Dow Jones Industrial Average
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½º »óÇ°°¡°ÝÁö¼ö     Dow-jones Commodity Index
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½º ¿î¼ö¾÷Á¾Áö¼ö     Dow Jones Transportation Average
´Ù¿ì Á¸½º Æò±Õ    Dow-Jones Averages
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½º Æò±ÕÁÖ°¡Áö¼ö    Dow-Jones Stock Price Average
´Ù¿ìÁ¸½ºÈ¸»ç    Dow Jones & Company
´Ù¿î·Îµå     Download
´Ù¿î»çÀÌ¡   downsizing
´Ù¿ø¹æ¼Û    multi-organization broadcast program
´ÙÀÌ³Ê¹Í ·¥    dynamic RAM
´ÙÀÌ·ºÆ® ¸¶ÄÉÆà    direct marketing
´ÙÀ̾ƸóµåÄ®¶ó    Diamond Collar
´ÙÀÌ¾Ë·Î±×    Dialog
´ÙÀÌ¾Ë ÄÞ    Dialcom
´ÙÀÚ°£ ¹«¿ªÇù»ó   multilateral trade negotiations
´ÙÀÚ°£ ¼¶À¯Á¢±Ù    Multi-Fiber Arrangements
´ÙÀÚ°£ÅõÀÚÇùÁ¤    MAI, Multilateral Agreement on Investment
´ÙÀÚ°ü¸®     multiple management
´ÙÁß ¸Ó¸®¾î±ú¸ðÇü    multiple head and shoulder patterns
´ÙÁ߿ɼÇÀü·«    multiple option strategy
´ÙÁßÁö¼ö¸ðÇü    multi index model
´ÙÁßó¸®   Multiprocessing
´ÙÁßÆǺ°ºÐ¼®    multiple discriminant analysis
´ÙÁßÈ­    Multiplexing
´ÙÁö¼ö ¸ðÇü    multi-index model
´ÙÂ÷¿øôµµºÐ¼®¹ý    multi-dimensional scaling
´ÙÇÙµµ½Ã    multi-core city
´Ü°¡°è¾à    unit price contract
´Ü°¡µµ±Þ    unit-cost contract
´Ü°èÀûÁ¢±Ù¹ý    successive approximation method
´Ü±â°»½ÅÅõÀÚ     rollover
´Ü±â°Å·¡    quick turn
´Ü±â°æÁ¦¿¹Ãø¸ðµ¨    short-term economic forecast model
´Ü±â±Ý¸®   short-term rate of interest
´Ü±â±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå   short-term money market
´Ü±â±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå ¿¹±Ý°èÁ¤   money market deposit account
´Ü±â¸é¼¼±â±Ý    short-term tax-exempt funds
´Ü±âº¯Á¦ºÎä    floating debt
´Ü±â¼±¹°È¯°è¾à     short-date forward cover
´Ü±â¿ÜÀÚ    short-term foreign capital
´Ü±âÀ繫°èȹ    short term financial plan
´Ü±âÀçÁ¤Áõ±Ç    Treasury bill
´Ü±âÀçÁ¤Áõ±Ç °æ¸Å     Treasury bill auction
´Ü±âÁõ±Ç¹ßÇàÆíÀÇ     short-term note issuance facility
´Ü±âä    short-term bond
´Ü±âÅõÀÚÀÚ    day-to-day trader
´Ü±âÇ϶ô    sell-off
´Ü±âÇÒÀξîÀ½    short-term discount notes
´Ü³âµµÁÖÀÇ    one year budget
´Üµ¶ÇØ¼Õ     particular average
´Üµ¶Çؼպδ㺸    free from particular average
´Ü¸»ÀåÄ¡    terminal unit
´Ü¸í¾îÀ½    one-name paper
´Ü¹éÁú °øÇÐ    protein engineering
´Ü¼ö°¡°Ý    odd price
´Ü¼ø³ëµ¿ & º¹Àâ³ëµ¿  Einfache Arbeit & Komplizierte Arbeit
´Ü¼ø´©Áø¼¼À²    graduated flat tax
´Ü¼ø½Å¿ëÀå    simple credit
´Ü¼øÀÌÀÚÀ²     simple interest
´Ü¼øÀç»ý»ê    Einfache Reproduktion
´Ü¼øÆò±Õ    simple average
´Ü¼øÇÑ Á¤º¸    for information only
´Ü½ÄºÎ±â    single entry book keeping
´ÜÀ§³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ   unit labor union
´ÜÀ§»ý·«     digit deleted
´ÜÀ§¼ºÀå     unit growth
´ÜÀ§½ÅŹ    unit trust
´ÜÀ§ÀûÀç ½Ã½ºÅÛ    Unit Load System
´ÜÀ§Àüȯ»çä    unit convertible
´ÜÀ§ÅõÀÚ½ÅŹ    unit investment trust
´ÜÀ§È­µÈ È­¹°   unitized cargo
´ÜÀϱݸ® ½º¿Ò   single interest rate swap
´ÜÀÏ¿äÀÎ Â÷ÀÍ°Å·¡ °¡°Ý°áÁ¤¸ðÇü   one-factor arbitrage pricing theory
´ÜÀÏÀºÇàÁ¦µµ    unit banking system
´ÜÀÏÁö¼ö¸ðÇü    single index model
´ÜÀÏÅëÈ­±Ý¸®½º¿Ò    single-currency interest rate swap
´ÜÀÚȸ»ç    short-term investment finance company
´ÜÁÖ    odd-lot
´ÜÁÖ°Å·¡ÀÚ    odd-lotter
´ÜÁÖµô·¯    odd-lot dealer
´ÜÁָŸżö¼ö·á    odd-lot charges
´ÜÁÖ¼º¸³°¡ ÁÖ¹®     on-the-quotation order
´ÜÁÖÀÌ·Ð   odd-lot theory
´ÜÁÖÂ÷ÀÌ    odd lot differential
´Üü±³¼·    collective bargaining
´Üüº¸Çè    group life insurance
´ÜüǥÁØ     a collective standard
´ÜüÇù¾à    labor collective agreement
´ÜÃà°¡´Éä±Ç     retractable bond
´Þ·¯±âÁØä     dollar bond
´Þ·¯¶óÀÌÁ¦ÀÌ¼Ç    dollarization
´Þ·¯¹æÀ§    dollar defense
´Þ·¯ ºÎÁ·    dollar shortage
´Þ·¯À§±â     dollar crisis
´Þ·¯À¯Àü½º    dollar usance
´Þ·¯Åë¿ëÈ­     Dollarization
´Þ·¯Æò±Õ¿ø°¡¹ý     dollar-cost averaging
´ãº¸    hypothecate
´ãº¸¹®±¸    with recourse
´ãº¸¹°    collateral
´ãº¸¹°±Ç    real rights granted by way of security
´ãº¸ºÎ ±â¾÷¾îÀ½    collateralized issue of commercial paper
´ãº¸ºÎ º¯µ¿±Ý¸®Ã¤     collateralized FRN
´ãº¸ºÎ»çä     mortgage bonds
´ãº¸ºÎ »çä½ÅŹ   mortgage bond trust
´ãº¸ºÎ ¿¬±Ýä   collateralized annuity bond
´ãº¸ºÎ Áõ±Ç    mortgage-backed securities
´ãº¸¾àÁ¤     hypothecation agreement
´ãº¸¾îÀ½ºÎ ½Å¿ëÀå     with recourse credit
´ãº¸À¯°¡Áõ±Ç     collateral securities
´ãº¸À¯Áö ¹× ´ãº¸´ëü ¼öÀÇ»óȯ     maintenance and replacement call
´ãº¸Ã¤    secured bond
´ãº¸È­    securitized
´ãº¸È­ ºÎÁ¤Á¶Ç×    negative pledge clause
´ç±¸´ëÀÌ·Ð    billiard table theory
´ç±â¼ø¼ÕÀÍ    net income and loss for the year
´ç¹ßÃ᫐    outward collection
´ç¹ßȯ     outward remitance
´ç¹æ°èÁ¤    our a/c
´ç¿ù    spot month
´çÀÏ°Å·¡    day trade
´çÀÏ°Å·¡ÀÚ    day trader
´çÀÏ°áÁ¦    Mark to the Market
´çÀϹ°    today
´çÀÏÀ¯È¿ÁÖ¹®, ´çÀÏùÚ À¯È¿ÁÖ¹®    day order
´çÁ´ë¿ù    overdrafts
´çÁºñÀ²    quick ratio
´çÁ¿¹±Ý    Cash in Bank
´çÁÂÀÚ»ê    quick assets
´çÁÂÂ÷¿ù     Bank Overdrafts
´çÇÑ      current month delivery
´ë°¡¼öÃë¹®±¸     valuation clause
´ë°¢ ½ºÇÁ·¹µå     diagonal spread
´ë°í°´È¯À²    customer rates
´ë°ø»ê±Ç¼öÃâÅëÁ¦À§¿øȸ     Coordinating Committee for Export Control
´ë°øȲ    the great depression
´ë±¸¶ó¿îµå     Daegu Round
´ë±Ý±³È¯µµ     cash on delivery
´ë±â¸Å¹°     overhanging supply
´ë±â¸Å¼ö¼¼    overhanging demand
´ë±âÅëÁö¼­    credit advice
´ë³»±ÕÇü    internal equilibrium
´ëµµÆíÀÇ    trust receipt facility
´ë·®»ý»ê     mass production
´ë·®ÁֽļÒÀ¯ÀÇ ½Å°í    filing of changes in ownership of block shares
´ë·®Áö±Þ    Direct Deposit
´ë·ú°£ źµµÅº    Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
´ë·úºØ     continental shelf
´ë·ú½Ä ¿¹Å¹Áõ¼­    continental depository receipt
´ë¸®°ü°è      agency relationship
´ë¸®»ó       agent
´ë¸®¼ö¼ö·á   agency fee  
´ë¸®ÀºÇà     agency bank
´ë¸®ÀÎ    floor representative
´ë¸®Àι®Á¦     Agency Problem
´ë¸®ÀÎ ºñ¿ë    agency cost
´ë¸®ÀÚ    agent
´ë¸®Á¡¼ö¼ö·á    agent fee
´ë¸®Á¡ÀºÇà    agency bank
´ë¹°º¯Á¦   payment in substitutes
´ëº¯    credit
´ëº¯½ºÇÁ·¹µå    credit spread
´ëºÎ°Å·¡    loan trading
´ëºÎÀڱݼ³     loanable funds theory
´ë»óÀÚ»ê      underlying assets
´ë¼¼    major trend
´ë¼ÕÃæ´ç±Ý    allowance for bad debts
´ë¼öÀÇ ¹ýÄ¢     law of large numbers
´ë¾ÈÀÔÂû    altermative tender
´ë¿Ü°Å·¡°æ»ó°èÁ¤»óÀÇ À׿©    surplus of the nation on current account
´ë¿Ü°Å·¡°èÁ¤    external transaction account
´ë¿Ü°øÅë°ü¼¼     common external tariff
´ë¿Ü±ÕÇü     external equilibrium
´ë¿Ü¼ø¿ÜÈ­ÀÚ»ê     net foreign assets
´ë¿Ü¼øÀÚ»ê     net external assets
´ë¿Ü½ÃÀå    external market
´ë¿ÜÁغñÀÚ»ê     external reserves
´ë¿Ü乫ÀÇ Àüȯ     debt conversions
´ë¿ÜÅõÀÚ     foreign investment
´ë¿ëÁõ±Ç    substitute securities
´ëÀǸíºÐ ¸¶ÄÉÆà    Cause Related Marketing
´ëÀÎ Ä¿¹Â´ÏÄÉÀÌ¼Ç    interpersonal communication
´ëÁÖ     lending stock, stock loan
´ëÁָŰ¢´ë±Ý    amount of short selling
´ëÁÖ ½ÃÀå     stock loan market
´ëÁÖÁÖ     majority shareholder
´ëÁßÀå¼¼    public market
´ëÂ÷°¡°Ý    settlement price
´ëÂ÷°Å·¡     loan transaction
´ëÂ÷´ãº¸±Ý    collateral
´ëÂ÷´ëÁ¶Ç¥    balance sheet
´ëÂ÷´ëÁ¶Ç¥ ÇìÁö    balance sheet hedge
´ëü±â¼ú    alternative technology
´ëü·á    In Lieu of Exchange Commission
´ëü½º¿Ò     substitution bond swap
´ëü¿¡³ÊÁö    alternative energy resources
´ëü¿ø°¡    replacement cost
´ëüÀç    substitute goods
´ëüÀû ÃÖÀúÇѼ¼    alternative minimun tax
´ëüź·Â¼º     elasticity of substitution
´ëüÅõÀÚ     replacement investment
´ëüÇìÁö      cross hedge
´ëÃâ    loan
´ëÃâ°¡°Ý°áÁ¤    loan pricing
´ëÃâ¾à°ü    loan covenants
´ëÃâ¾çµµÆíÀÇ    transferable loan facility
´ëÃâÀÚ½ÃÀå    lender's market
´ëÃâä±Ç ºÐÇҸŰ¢    Loan Participation
´ëÃâÇѵµ     line of credit
´ëÃâÇѵµÁ¦    loan ceiling system
´ëÃæÀÚ±Ý    counterpart fund
´ëĪÁ¤º¸    symmetric information
´ëÅë·É±³¼­     Message of the President
´ëÅë·É ¼±°ÅÁÖ±â    presidential election cycle
´ëÆøÇÒÀÎä    deep-discount bond
´ëÇ¥¼Ò¼Û    representative suit
´ëÇ¥ÀÌ»ç    representative director
´ëÇ¥Àû ±â¾÷    representative firm  
´ëǥġ    mid-value
´ëÇѹ«¿ªÁøÈï°ø»ç    Korea Trade Promotion Corporation
´ëÇÑÁõ±Ç¾÷Çùȸ    Korea Securities Dealers Association
´ëÇ×°ü¼¼    counter tariff
´ëÇüÁÖ    large-capital stock
´ëÈ­ ó¸®Çü ½Ã½ºÆÀ    Interactive processing
´ëÈ­Çü ·çƾ    Conversion routine  
´ëÈ­Çü ¼­ºñ½º    Conversational Service
´ëÈ­ Çü½Ä ¾ð¾î    Conversational language
´ëÈ­Çü ÅÚ·¹ºñÀü     interactive television
´ëȰȲÀÏ   high activity days
´õºí µö ¸®½º     double dip lease
´õºí ½ºÄð¸Ç     Double SchoolMan
´õºí ¿öÅ©     Double Work
´õºíÀ§Äªµ¥ÀÌ     Double Witching day
´õºí ÀÎÄÄ     double income
´õÄ¡ ¿Á¼Ç    Dutch or Holland auction
´õƼ Ç÷ÎÆ®     Dirty Float
´ýÇÎ    dumping
´ýÇΰ­·É    Dumping Code
µ¥µå¶óÀÎ     Dead Line
µ¥µå ½ºÅäÅ©    dead stock
µ¥µå Å©·Î½º    DC
µ¥¸Õ½ºÆ®·¹ÀÌ¼Ç È¿°ú    demonstration effect
µ¥¸ð½º    Dendenkosha Electronic Multi Access On-line System
µ¥¸ó   daemon
µ¥ºñÆ® ¿À¼Ò¶óÀÌÁ¦ÀÌ¼Ç     Debit Authorization, DA
µ¥½Ãº§    Decibel
µ¥¾î ¾îÄ«¿îµå    their account
µ¥À̶óÀÌÆ® ¸®¹Ô    daylight limit
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ±³È¯ ½Ã½ºÆÀ    Data switching system
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ±¸Á¶    Data Structure
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¸¶ÀÌ´×    data mining
µ¥ÀÌÅ͹æ¼Û    data broadcasting
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¹ðÅ©     data bank
µ¥ÀÌÅͺ£À̽º     Database
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ºñÆ®     Data Bit
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ »çÀü     Data Dictionary
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ¿þ¾îÇϿ콺    DateWareHouse
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÁöÇâ   data-driven
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ Åë½Å    data communications
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÆÄÀÏ    data file
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ Æù ¼­ºñ½º    data-phone service
µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÇÁ·Î¼¼½Ì ½Ã½ºÆÀ      Data Processing System
µ¥Àϸ® º»µå ¹ÙÀÌ¾î    daily bond buyer
µ¥Æ® ¾î¼¶¼Ç    debt assumption
µ§¸¶Å© ¼±¹°¡¤¿É¼Ç°Å·¡¼Ò    GFDOF
µ¨¸®Ä«Å×¼¾    Delicatessen
µ¨Å¸    Delta
µ¨Å¸ Á߸³ ½ºÇÁ·¹µå    delta-neutral spread
µ¨Å¸Çì¡     delta-weighed hedging
µ¨ÆÄÀÌ ¹ý    delphi method
µµ°üÀÌ·Ð    conduit theory
µµ´Þ·ü    Reach
µµ´öÀû À§ÇØ   moral hazard
µµ´öÀû Àǹ«Ã¤±Ç     moral obligation debt
µµ´öÀû ÇØÀÌ    £Íoral £Èazard
µµ¸Å±ÝÀ¶    wholesale banking
µµ¸Å±ÝÀ¶½ÃÀå    Wholesale Money Market
µµ¸Å¹°°¡Áö¼ö    wholesale price index
µµ¸ÞÀÎ    Domain
µµ¸ÞÀÎ ³×ÀÓ    Domain Name
µµ¹Ì³ëÀÌ·Ð    Domino Theary
µµ¼±»ç     pilot
µµÀü±¤°í    challenge advertising
µµÄì¶ó¿îµå    Tokyo Round
µµÅ¥¸àÅ×ÀÌ¼Ç     documentation
µµÆ® ½Ã½ºÅÛ       designated order turnaround
µµÇ¥     chart
µµÇ¥ºÐ¼®°¡     chartist
µµÇ¥¼­ºñ½º    chart service
µµÇ¥È­    charting
µ¶¸³º¯¼ö     independent variable
µ¶¸³Àç    independent goods
µ¶¸³Ã¤»êÁ¦    self financing
µ¶¸³ÅõÀÚ    autonomous investment
µ¶¼º Dz   poison put
µ¶¾à°èȹ     poison pill rights plan
µ¶Àϼ±¹°°Å·¡¼Ò     Deutche terminborse
µ¶Á¡    monopoly
µ¶Á¡°è¾à    Exclusive contrect
µ¶Á¡µµ     degree of monopoly
µ¶Á¡ÀÌÀ±    monopolistic profit
µ¶Á¡ÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇ    monopolistic capitalism
µ¶Á¡Àû °æÀï    monopolistic competition
µ¹ÀÔ     break through
µ¹ÆÄ     breakout
µ¹ÆÄ °¸    breakway gap
µ¿°á±¸Á    frozen account
µ¿°æ±ÝÀ¶¼±¹°°Å·¡¼Ò    Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
µ¿°æ ¶ó¿îµå    Tokyo round
µ¿±â    Synchronization
µ¿³²¾Æ±¹°¡¿¬ÇÕ    ASEAN
µ¿³²¾Æ½Ã¾ÆÁß¾ÓÀºÇà±â±¸     South East Asian Central Banks
µ¿·Â·Î     power reactor
µ¿¸Í¼±    conference line
µ¿¸ÍÆľ÷    strike
µ¿º¸Åë½Å     multi-address calling
µ¿½Ã°øÇÐ    Concurrent Engineering
µ¿½Ã°ü¸®    management by synchronization
µ¿½Ã»óȯä     term bond
µ¿½Ã¼öµµ°áÁ¦     deliver versus payment
µ¿½ÉÇÕº´     concentric merger
µ¿¾Æ¼¼¾È¼ºÀåÁö¿ª    East ASEAN Growth Area
µ¿¾Æ½Ã¾Æ°æÁ¦È¸ÀÇ    EASE
µ¿¾Æ½Ã¾Æ º¸ÇèȸÀÇ    EAIC, East Asian Insurance Congress
µ¿¾÷ÀÚ¿¹±Ý    inter-bank deposits
µ¿¿µ»óÀü¹®°¡±×·ì     MPEG
µ¿ÀÏ°¡°Ý ´©¶ô °ø°í    repeated prices omitted
µ¿Àϸ¸±â°è¿­     expiration series
µ¿ÀÛ¿¬±¸    motion study
µ¿Àû    dynamic
µ¿Á¤Æľ÷    Sympathetic Strike
µ¿ÁúÀû ±â´ë    homogeneous expectation
µ¿ÃàÄÉÀÌºí     coaxial cable
µ¿Å°æÁ¦ÇÐ     dynamic economics
µ¿Å±ÕÇü     dynamic equilibrium
µ¿ÅÂÀû °úÁ¡     dynamic oligopoly
µ¿ÅÂÀû ÀÚº»±¸Á¶ÀÌ·Ð     dynamic theory of capital structure
µÇµ¹¸²Çö»ó      Return Movement
µÎ¸¸°­°³¹ßÀ§¿øȸ     Program Management Commitee
µÐÄÌÃÊ¾È     Dunkel Text
µÒ ÁõÈıº    Doom Syndrome
µà·¹ÀÌ¼Ç     Duration
µà¾ó ¹ðÅ· ½Ã½ºÅÛ    dual banking system
µà¾ó Ä¿·±½Ã ä    dual currency bond
µà¿§ º»µå    duet bond
µàÆþ ½Ã½ºÅÛ     dupon system
µå¶óÀ̹ö     driver
µå·Ó·Ï º¯µ¿±Ý¸®Ã¤    drop lock floating rate notes
µå·Ó ÀÎ    drop in
µî°¡°Ý     At-the-Money
µî°¡°ú¼¼¼Òµæ    equivalent taxable income
µî°¡¼¼Àü¼öÀÍ·ü     equivalent taxable yield
µî°¡¼öÀÍ·ü      yield equivalence
µî±Þ°£ Â÷ÀÍ°Å·¡    matrix trading
µî±Þ»ó½Â     upgrading
µî±ÞÆòÁ¤    rating
µî±ÞÆòÁ¤±â°ü     rating agencies
µî±ÞÇ϶ô     downgrading
µî¶ôÁÖ¼±    advande-decline line
µî¶ôÁö¼ö    high-decline index
µî·®°î¼±     isoquant curve
µî·Ï°Å·¡¼Ò    registered exchange
µî·Ï±¸ÁÖ¸ÅÃâ     registered secondary distribution
µî·Ï ¸éÁ¦Áõ±Ç     exempt security
µî·Ï¹ýÀÎ     registered corporation
µî·Ï»çä    registered corporate bond
µî·Ï½ÃÀåÁ¶¼ºÀÚ    registered competitive market maker
µî·ÏÁõ±Ç    registered security
µî·Ïȸ»ç    registered company
µîºñ¿ë°î¼±    isocost curve
µð³ë¹Ì³×ÀÌ¼Ç     denomination
µð´õ¸µ    dithering
µð·¹¹ö¸®Áö    De-Leverage
µð·ºÅ丮 ¼­ºñ½º    Directory Service
µð¸Çµå Ç® ÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç     demand-pull inflation
µð¹ö±×    debug
µðº¥Ãß¾î     debenture
µð½´¸Ó     Disumer
µð½ºÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç    disinflation
µð½ºÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç ÁÖ½Ä    disinflation stock
µð½ºÄ«¿îÆ® ºê·ÎÄ¿    Discount Broker
µð½ºÅ©Ã¥ ÃâÆÇ    Disk Book Publishing
µð½ºÅ© ij½Ã    disk cash
µð½ºÅ¬·ÎÀú    disclosure
µð½ºÆ®¸®ºä¼Ç üÀÎ     distribution chain
µð½ºÇÁ·Î´öÆ®    Dis-Product
µð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ    Display
µð½ÃÀü ·ë    decision room
µðÀÚÀÎ Æú¸®½Ã    Design Policy
µðÁ¦¶óƼ    Digerati
µðÁöŸÀÌÀú    Digitizer
µðÁöÅÐ    digital
µðÁöÅÐ ±³È¯±â    Digital Switching System
µðÁöÅÐ ´ÙÀ§´ÏÁò    Digital Dawinism
µðÁöÅи®½ºÆ®    Digitalist
µðÁöÅÐ ½ºÄÉÀÏ    digital scale
µðÁöÅÐ ½Å°æü    Digital Nervous System
µðÁöÅÐ Ä«¸Þ¶ó    Digital Camera
µðÁöÅРij½Ã     digital cash
µðÁöÅÐ Åë½Å    digital communication
µðÁöÅÐÈ­    Digitize
µðÁöÅÐ PBX    digital private branch exchange
µðÁöÅÐ TV    digital television
µðÁöƲ ¿Àµð¿À Å×ÀÔ    DAT,Digital Audio Tape
µðÄ¿Çøµ    decoupling
µðÆÛµå ÄíÆù ä±Ç    deferred coupon bond
µðÆúÆ®    Default
µðÆúÆ® Å©·Î¿ìÁî     default clause
µðÇ»Àü À妽º    DI
µðÇ÷¹ÀÌ¼Ç    deflation
µðÇ÷¹ÀÌÅÍ     deflator
µð ÇÇ À¯Àü½º    D/P usance
µòÆ®Á·    Double Income No Time
µô·¡ÀÌµå µô¸®¹ö¸®   Delayed Delivery
µô·¯    dealer
µô·¯°£ ½Ç¹°Á¤»ê    window settlement
µô·¯ ·Ð    dealer loan
µô·¯º¸À¯¾×    dealer position
µô·¯½ÃÀå     dealer market
µô·¯ ÇÁ·¯¸ð¼Ç    dealer promotion
µô·¹ÀÌ Â÷Áö    Delay Charge
µô·Ð ¶ó¿îµå    Dillon Round
µô¸®Æ®¿îµ¿    delete campaign
µô½º ¹ë·ù ¿ø µ¥ÀÌ    deals value one day
µöµð½ºÄ«¿îƮä    deep discount bond
µö ºí·ç    Deep Blue  
µùÅ©    DINK
¶¿·¹¸¶¶ì±×    Telematizue
¶ó½ºÆÄÀÌ·¹½º »ê½Ä    Laspeyres Formula
¶ó¿ìÅÍ    router
¶ó¿îµå     ROUND
¶óÀÌ³Ê ¿þÀ̺ô    liner waybill
¶óÀ̼±½º »ý»ê    license production
¶óÀÌÆ® Ææ    Lig
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Çѱ¹¿ì¸®»çÁÖÇùȸ All right reserved 2003.   »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 107-87-15203
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