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  ÇØ¿Ü ¿¬¼ö ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ¾È³» : Get the Most Out of Your ESOP


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Get the Most Out of Your ESOP

Three-Day Conference on Best Practices for an Effective ESOP Culture

Seattle, WA

October 16-18, 2006
Register Online

You've established an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) at your company, but are you getting the most out of your ESOP? Tap into the real potential of employee ownership and learn how to give employees the tools, training, and opportunities to think and act like business owners. Organizational change calls for much more than a cookie-cutter approach, and this meeting explores how each company with an ESOP can develop its own individual action plan.

What Makes This Conference Different?

The structure, the atmosphere, and the networking. This interactive working conference features dynamic presentations by experienced trainers, organizational development experts and insiders from successful companies. It also integrates structured activities and unstructured opportunities to network with fellow ESOP companies struggling with similar issues. Participants will gain from the wisdom of their peers through sharing best practices and group problem-solving. The conference aids participants in creating their own concrete (and unique!) solutions.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone involved with building the effectiveness of an ESOP should attend, including (but not limited to) those working with ESOP communications, human resource development, training or organizational change, as well as ESOP committee members, steering committee members, team leaders, and active front-line employees.

Praise from Past Participants

"Speakers are excellent, these guys are good!"
"This was a very well-rounded conference"
"Great interactive exercises - you teach what you preach."
"I believe that if you can take one thing back with you, then you have accomplished your 'conference job'꿻his time I have notes and more notes on ideas and teaching tools!"


Day One: Monday, October 16, 2006

8:00 am Continental Breakfast, Registration
8:30 am Understanding ESOPs: An Interactive Approach
Alex Moss, Praxis Consulting Group
(morning break: 10:15-10:30 am)
12:15 pm Luncheon
Meet fellow attendees, break the ice, and set your goals for this conference
1:15 pm Agenda Overview & Orientation
Loren Rodgers, NCEO
2:00 pm Creating and Improving ESOP Communications
Ed Carberry, Ownership Associates
3:00 pm Afternoon Break
3:15 pm Communication Table Talks and Problem Solving
Ed Carberry, Ownership Associates
4:00 pm Question and Answer Period on ESOP Technical and Legal Issues
Moderator: Loren Rodgers, NCEO. Speakers: Tom Roback, Blue Ridge ESOP Associates; Dennis Locke, Moss Adams; Kim Blaugher, Principal Financial Group; Kevin Long, Chang Ruthenberg & Long
5:00 pm Day One Adjourns
6:30 pm Organized Dinner Groups or Dinner on Your Own

Day Two: Tuesday, October 17, 2006

8:00 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 am Incentive Plans that Work
Brad Hams, Ownership Thinking
9:15 am Table Talks: Hands-on Incentive Activities and Problem Solving
Brad Hams, Ownership Thinking
10:00 am Morning Break
10:15 am Gallery of Communication Materials
Loren Rodgers, NCEO
10:45 am The Great Game of Business: Getting Employees to Understand and Act on The Critical Numbers of Your Business
Rich Armstrong, Great Game of Business
12:15 pm Luncheon and Company Case Study Speaker
Darlene Brown, Parametrix
1:45 pm Participation Tools and Strategies
Loren Rodgers, NCEO
2:30 pm Table Talks: Hands-on Participation Activities
Loren Rodgers, NCEO
3:15 pm Afternoon Break
3:45 pm Business and Financial Literacy
Alex Moss, Praxis Consulting Group
5:30 pm Day Two Adjourns
6:00 pm Organized Dinner Groups or Dinner on Your Own

Day Three: Wednesday, October 18, 2006

7:45 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 am Encouraging & Creating ESOP Committees
Ed Carberry, Ownership Associates
9:15 am Table Talks and Problem Solving About ESOP Committees
Ed Carberry, Ownership Associates
10:00 am Morning Break
10:15 am Table Breakout Discussions/Sharing (organized by company types/size)
Loren Rodgers, NCEO
11:00 am Final Wrap-up, Evaluation and Review
Loren Rodgers, NCEO, and panel of presenters
11:30 am Conference Adjourns
11:30-1:00 pm For interested attendees, some speakers will be available for lunch meetings
Sign up in advance

Conference Presenters

Rich Armstrong is general manager of the Great Game of Business, Inc. He has more than 15 years of experience in employee ownership, open-book management, and business literacy training. GGOB teaches companies the principles of open-book management, business literacy, and ownership cultures through innovative game-playing techniques. Mr. Armstrong has worked at many of SRC Holding's 22 subsidiaries in positions from business development to operations.
Darlene Brown, CPA, is a Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Parametrix, a 100-percent employee-owned engineering, planning and environmental services firm headquartered in Washington State. Darlene joined Parametrix in 1996. She serves on the firm's executive committee and oversees both the Finance and Information Technology departments. She has served as a Trustee of the firm's ESOP since 1997 and is currently the chair of the Trustees.
Ed Carberry is a senior trainer and organizational development specialist at Ownership Associates, a consulting firm specializing in the design and implementation of education and training programs concerned with ownership, participation, and financial basics for employees, and in organizational development and corporate culture change initiatives. Ed is also a Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University, where he specializes in the sociology of organizations and work, and conducts research about employee ownership and participative management.
Brad Hams is the founder and president of Ownership Thinking, LLC. He has been consulting, speaking, and training on improved business performance through high employee involvement for more than 10 years. Ownership Thinking is a training and consulting firm dedicated to helping businesses unleash their potential. It has assisted hundreds of companies in increasing earnings and shareholder value with this process since 1995.
Alexander P. Moss is a principal with Praxis Consulting Group. Alex advises corporate, employee-owned, and non-profit clients in achieving a broad range of organizational performance improvements. He is a nationally recognized leader in designing business and ownership training, developing communications, employee participation, and broad-based incentive systems, and in building organizational systems that encourage and enable employees to solve production, quality, and client service challenges. He serves as a Director of the NCEO, and is the past Chair of the ESOP Association's Advisory Committee on Ownership Culture.
Loren Rodgers is a project director at the NCEO, where he specializes in ESOPs, best practices in management for employee ownership companies, and research. Drawing on his 11 years in the field of employee ownership, he speaks extensively about communications, ESOP education, employee committees, building and maintaining enthusiasm, current research, and corporate governance for employee ownership companies.
Whitney Walpole is the President of Culture Counts, Inc., working with companies before, during and after ESOP implementations to create effective ownership cultures that maximize each ESOP s potential and sustain growth over time. Her Core Performance System" builds stakeholder involvement and accountability to achieve the meaningful results that come from clarity of purpose, a commonly held dream, and non-negotiable values.

Conference Site

The Red Lion Hotel on 5th Ave.
1415 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone direct: 206-971-8000 or central reservations: 1-800-504-3909

Special conference sleeping room rates are $159 for a single or a double until close of business on Monday, September 25, 2006. After this date, hotel may continue to accept reservations, but on a space and rate availability basis, subject to increase. To get the special rate, you must identify yourself as part of this group by mentioning the NCEO or the name of this meeting. All reservations must be guaranteed and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Hotel parking costs $23 per 24 hours for hotel overnight guests. Day parking for 5-10 hours will cost you $17.


Fee Information

NCEO members: $395 1st registrant, $360 for each additional registrant from the same company. If you are not an NCEO member but join now ($80 for 1 year), you will receive the member rates.

Nonmembers: $495 1st registrant, $460 for each additional registrant from the same company.

Cancellation policy: A full refund will be issued, less a $50 administrative fee, if the request is received by the close of business on October 5, 2006. Cancellations made after that date and by the close of business on Thursday, October 12 (before our guarantee date of 10/13/06) will be eligible for credit towards another program, minus a $50 administrative fee. Those canceling on or after the guarantee date will not receive a paper credit or refund.

Late fee: If you do not register online, a late fee of $35 per attendee will apply after October 5, 2006.

How to Register

  • Register online (recommended), or
  • If you have the printed brochure, fax it with your credit card information or mail it with your credit card information or check, or
  • Telephone us at 510-208-1300 with your credit card in hand.
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